Does God See? Does God Care?

When you sin, are you mindful that God sees you? Most of us probably don’t think about it. But the Bible clearly says that He does see and hear us. When we sin, it affects our fellowship with God. In Joel 2:12, God calls His people to return to Him “with all your heart, with fasting, weeping and mourning.” What is God’s response when we repent? Joel 2:18 says, “Then the Lord will be zealous for His land and will have pity on His people.” God is ZEALOUS for us. Why? He wants us to take hold of the joy, beauty, and glory of abundant life He gives us in Christ Jesus. What better time in our nation could there be than now for us to be zealous for Christ and live purposefully for Him? Return His zeal by choosing to pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ in 2020. Register now for “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.” January 8, 11-12, TBC Kerrville, TX.
Lord, thank You for being ZEALOUS for us. Forgive us when we sin. Kindle in us a zeal for You and the abundant life we experience when we follow Your teachings.