‘Fess UP
Do you hate to do wrong?
I hate when I do something wrong. If it’s something “little” at home, my hubby is great. We’re quick to forgive one another if we say a sharp word when we’re tired or stressed. But what happens when you’re attempting to serve the Lord and you mess up?
I messed up
I could write a poem “My Mess Ups, My Sins,” but I’m afraid it wouldn’t make the best seller list. Still, I don’t like messing up, whether it’s by saying a careless word or by committing a thoughtless sin. If it’s public, it’s even worse. So, what happened to me? I “messed up” on my “365 Days of Praise” blog post.
A little background… I originally wrote my daily “365 Days of Praise” blog posts a few years ago. Many of you requested my ministry bring them back, so we did with the launch of our new web site. Typically, I proof and edit an old post or write a new one the day before you receive it. But due to my traveling schedule, I prepared and scheduled several in advance. I don’t know what happened with the August 14 post, “Praise God who Impartially Judges.” By that, I mean I don’t know if I neglected to proof it or if I proofed it and was tired and didn’t catch my less than stellar application of Scripture. Regardless, when I received it this morning and freshly read it, my heart sank. The application was “off.” Not sinful. It just could have been better.
I take seriously my calling
Just so you’ll know, I take seriously my calling to serve you. I count it a high privilege to teach the Word of God, whether in person or through what I write. God’s Word is precious, and it’s powerful to change our lives. I want the full integrity of each passage to be communicated when I teach and write. Therefore, I did a “Do Over” for “Praise God who Impartially Judges;” making sure to do a better Scriptural application.
Do we need Do Overs in life
Do you wish you could have a “Do Over” conversation, email, or text? Maybe you long for a “Do Over” with a prior marriage, or in regard to how you parented. If only every “Do Over” could be done as quickly and easily as my changing the application I did this morning. But, “Do Overs” aren’t always possible. And, even when they are, they’re not easy.
How to Do a Do Over
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I’m not an expert on “Do Overs,” but, with that being said, may I offer a few suggestions?
If you’re feeling badly about something you’ve done or said, I get it. Life is a challenge. Relationships are hard. Sometimes we can have too high of expectations of others or ourselves. No one hits the target of perfection. But, when we reflect on God’s Word and we place our words and behavior beside His and see a misalignment, we need to “fess UP.” We need to go to God and confess our sin. It may be embarrassing. It may feel bad, but we need to do it. And, we must, MUST know that our Heavenly Father understands, abundantly loves us, forgives us, and graciously gives us “Do Overs.” He knows we’re children in the process of being sanctified. Whereas others may judge us with contempt, our Father judges us with mercy and compassion.
“The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
Do What is Right
What if all of us did what we knew was right to do in regard to an area where we haven’t been right? I encourage you to read my post, “Do Over.” It’s a reminder of God’s calling on our lives. In any area where the Holy Spirit convicts us, we can “Fess UP” and “Do Over” for His glory.
Heavenly Father, thank You that even though conviction feels so bad, ‘fessing UP is so right and brings us into reconciliation with You and alignment with Your Word. Thank You that Your mercy is new every morning. We love You.