Free Spiritual Resources


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Free Audio Podcasts and Videos

Find many of Debbie’s teachings free in her online audio podcasts and videos. Follow the link below to browse through these messages.

Free Printable

Click below to download a free printable of the attributes of Jesus in the book of John. The corresponding chapter(s) and verse(s) for each attribute are included.

Scroll down for other free resources.

Devotional Tools

Verse of the Day

Do you have a daily reading plan, but also like to have a place where you can easily read a verse a day? If so, find an inspirational verse of the day here.

Contemporary Music

Listen to free contemporary Christian music, Internet radio here.

Sacred Favorites

Listen to free Sacred Favorites Christian music on Internet radio here.

Word or Verse Study

Bible study shouldn’t be hard. But…sometimes it is. Especially if you don’t know where to start. So, here’s a free and easy way to study the Bible.

Select a topic that you’re interested in and enter it into the search bar below. Then look up what God says on that subject. You’ll be blessed and grow in your knowledge of the Lord.

Here are some topics to get you started: LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, JOY, PEACE, HOPE

Lookup a word or passage in the Bible

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Listen to the Bible

Are you more of an auditory learner than a visual learner? Try listening the the Bible in audio form!

Also, check out this free resource on how to listen to the Bible on Bible Gateway.

Get Debbie's Blog

Ready or Not, He’s Coming

Did you play the game, Hide and Seek, when you were a child? The familiar, “Ready or not, here I come” warns the person who is hiding to be ready.  Did you know that the Lord gives us a, “Ready or not, here I come” that is not child’s play? It is a serious warning that Jesus is coming and...

Thank You, Moms, for All You’re Doing

  Thirty eight years ago, I had a toddler on my hip, a wall phone wedged… between my shoulder and chin while making a peanut butter sandwich and talking to my mother about the latest incident with our infant. She laughed at this multi-tasking mama and told me I should write a book about my funny child rearing experiences.  Writing a...

Give Me Jesus

“In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.” The words, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus,” are written in bold letters on a plaque my daughter gave me several years ago. I see it every day. Give me Jesus. Yes, I want Jesus in my day, in my decisions, and moments. But certainly, another plaque could...