Fun to Think About

Have you ever needed an architect; someone to help you design your home, office, or some other building? In Hebrews 11:10, we’re told that Abraham needed an architect, and guess who he sought? He “
was looking for the city which has foundations, whose ARCHITECT and builder is God.
Isn’t that fun to think about?! Abraham. Looking. For a city built by God. It is amazing! And, do you recall what Jesus told the disciples in John 14:2? “I go to prepare a place for you.” Jesus is preparing a place for us! We can learn from Abraham. What can we learn? To not set our hope on what we can build on earth; be it a house, career, whatever. That’s not where we’ll find our true life and joy. Those things are temporal. Jesus tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but rather to store up treasure in heaven. (Matthew 6:19-21) How do we do that? We set our minds on the things above. (Colossians 3:2) We love God first and foremost above all. (Exodus 20:3) If we realize we’ve been focused on building a life for ourselves on earth rather than building up the kingdom of God, it’s not too late to make the switch to a heavenly focus.
Jesus, we praise You, our Lord and Architect of our salvation. Fill us with a renewed awe that You are preparing a place for us. Help us focus more on You. Teach us ways we can set our minds on you.
Prayers of My Heart character trait to journal and praise God: Architect.