God’s Perspective

Perspective. It’s everything. We can look around and feel hopeless and vulnerable, wondering why God has abandoned us. Or we can turn to the Lord, scale the heights of heaven and gaze on who God is, what He’s done, and what He has promised to do.  Proverbs 18:10  reminds us,

The name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER; The righteous runs into it and is safe.

Did you catch the promise? Is safe. Say it out loud. I am safe. Think through the implications for your believing loved ones. They are safe. Yes, far from what may at times seem to be uncaring and inactive people around us, God is the opposite. He is caring and He is active. Look at the ways He proves His activity in your life far beyond sending Jesus to save you. Enjoy the release of God’s Spirit in your life comforting and strengthening you. Let your mind relax in the reality of the new heaven and world awaiting you and your loved ones. Purposefully ponder your life and your loved ones’ lives from the perspective of heaven’s heights. Say a prayer to the Lord thanking Him for being wonderful, loving, and faithful.

Learn more of God’s character traits in my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion. Here. Or Amazon.

Heavenly Father, You are a loving, good, faithful STRONG TOWER to whom we can run. Help us have eyes to see with Your perspective and walk through our days with gratefulness and hope. 

Friends, I’d love to have you join me any week on Wednesdays or Thursdays for our weekly Bible Study of John. Click here for more info.

Live outside of the Texas Hill Country? No problem! My weekly teachings and Listening Guides will be added HERE each week so you can follow along or use it for a group study. 

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