Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Many today would say, “yes.” Many are going through life with a “bad taste” in their mouth. They’re “fed up” with the news. They can’t “stomach” another …..whatever. That’s where followers of Christ come in. Second Timothy 2:21 describes believers as vessels. As Christ’s vessel we have the opportunity to “serve” the Lord’s love and Word to those who are spiritually hungry. Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Many are starving for some good in their lives. Will you serve Christ’s goodness, mercy, and love to them? If you’re not sure how, Discovering His Passion will show you how Christ engaged people in spiritual conversations and how you can, too. Believe – Know Jesus as Savior is a link you can share in an email or text. God is GOOD. Let’s share the good news of His GOODNESS with others.
LORD, You are GOOD! Help us be available vessels who share Your WORD and LOVE with others.