Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Have you heard people say they are “fed up” with the news or that they can’t “stomach” another …..whatever.
That’s where Christ followers can come in and be what 2 Timothy 2:21 describes as vessels of Christ. “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
Yes, as Christ’s vessel, we can be intentional about making sure we are a clean vessel God can use by confessing and repenting of any sin in our life. As a cleansed vessel, we can be useful to the Lord, to pour out His goodness on others.
How can we be a vessel of God’s goodness? What can we do?
We can dish out Christ’s love in big hooping scoops.
We can pour out His kindness to those who are going through a hard time.
We can serve His Word to people who are deceived and offer them the way to salvation in Christ.
Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”
God is good. Will you be intentional about being a cleansed vessel who the Lord can use to serve His goodness to those who desperately need Him?
LORD, You are GOOD. Use us as Your vessels to pour forth Your goodness, love, kindness, and truth to others.
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