He Sees Your Tears & Just So You’ll Know…

One of the many things that amaze me in the Bible is that God SEES and addresses individuals. I suppose because God is enthroned in heaven, I sometimes forget that His eye is also on you and me. Not only is His eye on us, He sees us when we’re crying. He hears our prayers, as Isaiah 38:5 reminds us. “…‘Thus says the Lord, the God of your father David, “I have heard your prayer, I have SEEN YOUR TEARS;” Are you crying? Are you sad? Are you grieved beyond the point of crying? God SEES YOUR TEARS. He hears your prayers. Don’t stop. Don’t give up. God is on your side. He sees what is going on. Trust Him. Keep your eye on Him. Keep praying. Follow His prompts. Receive His tender words that He sees you. He’s got this.
Heavenly Father, You who are enthroned on high but are also tender and compassionate toward us. You SEE OUR TEARS. You hear our prayers. Thank You. Help us mindfully watch and listen so we follow Your promptings.