Hellooooooo! Are We Listening?

When Moses first asked God what His name was, He replied, “I AM.” Then, after the Israelites “played the harlot” by worshipping a golden calf, the LORD made it clear that we are to live for Him and Him alone.
In Exodus 34:11-12, 14 God states, “Be sure to observe what I am commanding you this day… Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going, or it will become a snare in your midst…. for you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God—”
God clearly says that His name is Jealous. It is not okay to put things and people before God.
Ouch! Does that hit close to home because other things slip in before God? How do we know if that’s happened?
One way is to look at our calendar. What is our priority every day? Is it to check the news, social media, or is it to check in with God by hearing from His through His Word and worshipping Him?
Another way is to check our bank account. Where are we spending our money? Do we give first to God’s kingdom work knowing He will provide for our needs?
A third way to check if we are putting things before God is to consider what preoccupies our mind.
Yes, our thoughts, time, and money show God and us who and what we worship. When something or someone slips into God’s place, it is important we correct, not ignore, it.
Heavenly Father, You are a JEALOUS God. May we always worship You above all else.
As believers, we can often find that we want to put God first, but we struggle against our own human nature and habits. The Apostle Peter, who struggled more than once with his human nature, boldly encourages us that we have everything we need for life and godliness in 2 Peter 1:1-4. To listen to Debbie’s teaching on the subject, click HERE.