I Need Jesus

I need Jesus. Why? Eternally, Jesus is the only sinless sacrifice acceptable to God on my behalf and the One through whom I’ll be raised to eternal life in heaven. On a daily basis, I need Jesus to forgive me, cleanse me, and strengthen me to walk through my day by His Spirit. I need Jesus to guide me and prompt me if I start to veer off course.
How does Hebrews 4:15-16 describe Jesus? “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Can I hear a hallelujah, friend? Imagine what it would be like if you were accountable to a heavenly being who didn’t sympathize with your weaknesses? But our merciful, mighty Savior does. We can say, “I sinned. I failed. I rebelled against You and Your ways. I’ve been wrong.” When we come to Jesus in honest confession and repentance, Jesus doesn’t make us feel worse and withhold forgiveness. Does that mean we should blow off our sin? No, we should think about how, when, where, and why we fell for temptation and were deceived. We should learn from it. With every misstep, we have a God-step opportunity to learn and grow. With bowed heads and hearts, we confess our sins to our sympathetic High Priest, accept His mercy, and take seriously His words, “Go and sin no more.”
Jesus loves you and doesn’t want you wallowing in your sin. If you’ve been avoiding one-on-one time with Jesus, your High Priest, because you feel so bad about your sin, go to Him. He loves you and is waiting.
Lord Jesus, perfect, SYMPATHETIC HIGH PRIEST, we love You and thank You that we can draw near to Your throne of grace and find mercy to help in our time of need.
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