If You Met Jesus in the Next Few Minutes

Do you “clean up” before something important? Maybe we have a job interview or are going to a wedding or meeting friends. Do we shower and put on clean clothes? Of course, we do. We prepare for the one we’re meeting. One of Jesus’s beloved followers tells believers in 1 John 3:3 that we should prepare for when we meet Jesus. “Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him (Jesus) purifies himself, just as He is PURE.” But hasn’t Jesus already made us pure? Yes. Jesus cleanses us of our sins when we repent and confess Him as Lord. But John makes an important point. God’s children should guard against daily sin in anticipation of meeting Christ. If we knew we would meet Jesus in the next few moments what might we do or not do? Right a relationship? Apologize to someone? Say “no” to a sinful habit? The fact is, we will soon meet Jesus. How could we “purify ourselves” in readiness to see our risen Lord?
Lord Jesus, You are PURE and we desire to be pure like You. Forgive our sins. Fill us with Your pure, Holy Spirit.