If You Want Joy

God is interested in us. He wants us to bear fruit. As a matter of fact, He designed us to bear fruit. In John 15:1-2 Jesus explains our relationship to Him in this way, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the VINEDRESSER. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.” Why does God prune the dead, fruitless branches from us and watch to see if we’re bearing fruit? A fruitful life brings Him glory and us joy. I didn’t understand that until I planted a garden several years ago. Then, I understood the joy of seeing a branch bear a flower and then fruit. God, is our VINEDRESSER. He watches us every day and He prunes away that which is unproductive so we can bear more glorious fruit. Certainly the apple, peach, or tomato that reaches peak ripeness is the most flavorful and delicious. Do you feel the pressure of the Father’s pruning shears on you? If so, that is proof of His love and presence in your life. Rather than resist His touch, be glad that He is near and yield to His touch so you bear more fruit and joy.
Lord, You are the VINEDRESSER. We praise You that You care about us and want us to be productive Christians. Prune us so we bear much fruit that glorifies You.
Please keep in mind the value of giving an inspirational book to those on your Christmas shopping list. Order Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion and Prayers of My Heart prayer journal here: www.debbietaylorwilliams.com/shoppe.
I like to eat fruit very much. Grapes are one of them. I also like pears and apples.