If You’re Disappointed

Are you disappointed? If so, in what or whom? A person? Yourself? A job? God understands disappointment. Many things can cause us to feel let down. Sometimes our disappointment is because we have unrealistic expectations of others, which I address in my book, The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World. Other times, our disappointments are valid. 

First Peter 2:6 is encouraging because God wants us to know that there’s something He has provided that will never disappoint us: our faith in Jesus. Peter records, “Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.” 

Not be disappointed. Read those words again. There is a person— Jesus Christ—who does not disappoint. He has a place He is preparing for us that will not disappoint. He has a day He is preparing that will not disappoint. He has eternity with Him that will not disappoint. 

If you are dealing with disappointment today, do a quick check-up. On what have you set your expectations? If your answer is the amount of money you want to make, a certain house, the perfect spouse, children, friendships, or job, then you may find yourself dealing with disappointment at some point. If, on the other hand, your expectations are set on Jesus, the cornerstone of our faith, you will not be disappointed. 

Lord Jesus, You are the precious CORNERSTONE upon whom I can build my life and not be disappointed. Thank you. 

Are you facing disappointment or struggling with unmet expectations? Get a copy of The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World to discover how to take charge of your thoughts and let God reignite your hopes and dreams.



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