If You’re Disturbed

Have you been disturbed by some of the trends in our nation and world? If so, build your life and family on Jesus. He wasn’t just a good teacher. He did what no other person has done. He never gave in to sin when He was tested and tried. Isaiah 28:16 states, ‘Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a TESTED STONE, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed.” The verse continues, “He who believes in it will not be disturbed.’” Because Jesus is tested and proven, we can confidently build our lives on Him. We’re wise to say “no” to humanistic, passing social views and to say “yes” to Jesus – God’s TESTED STONE.
Lord Jesus Christ, once again we’re reminded of the joy and privilege of calling You our God. You are foundational to all we believe; a pure and holy TESTED STONE. We praise and worship You!