Important Upside Down Thinking

Are you a heavenly upside-down thinker or an earth bound thinker? I ask because Christians are called to some remarkable heavenly thinking. For instance, Isaiah prophesied what seems to be some upside-down thoughts; that God the Father would allow His Son to become a servant who would suffer for our sake.
MY SERVANT will justify the many as He will bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11
What an upside-down thought – that Jesus would be a SERVANT who would take the punishment for our sins. We don’t think that way. We more commonly think that success, wealth, and prestige are indicators of God’s favor and will. But that’s not what Jesus modeled or said. Jesus became God’s SERVANT and died on the cross for our sins. What should be our response? What IS our response? Do we take our Heavenly Father and Jesus for granted? Or, do we daily purpose to SERVE them…wherever however they call us? It’s some pretty upside thinking.
Lord Jesus Christ, God’s SERVANT, we bow in reverence and worship YOU! Thank You! Praise You! May we never forget how You gave Your life to redeem us. May we show our gratitude by serving You in whatever way You call us.