Interesting, Huh?

Isn’t it great that as Christians we can continually learn and grow? For instance, when a person turns to Christ for salvation, they may think the word “judgment” will in no way ever again be used in reference to them. However, the Bible describes different kinds of judgments. First Peter 1:17 speaks of God judging believers’ works. “If (since) you address as Father the one who IMPARTIALLY JUDGES according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth…” Interesting, huh? Although we’re not saved by works, God judges how we conduct ourselves after we’re saved. Peter reminds us that God is an impartial judge and that we should live in a way that shows reverence for Christ. Peter gives examples of what this looks like.
- We fervently love one another from the heart, 1:22
- We put aside all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander, 2:1
- We grow in respect to salvation, 2:2
- We proclaim the excellencies of Christ, 2:9
- We keep our behavior excellent, 2:12
- We follow in Christ’s steps, 2:21
- We are harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead, 3:8-9
- We keep our tongue from evil and lies, 3:10
- We turn away from evil and do good; seeking peace, 3:11
- We keep a good conscience, 3:16
- We live for the will of God, 4:2
- We live in the Spirit according to the will of God, 4:6
- We’re hospitable to one another without complaint, 4:9
- We use the gift God’s given us to serve one another, 4:10
- We cast all our anxiety on God, knowing He cares for us, 5:7
- We resist the devil, firm in our faith, 5:9
In other words, believers are to represent the excellencies of Christ. How are we doing? If you’re like me and are convicted about one or more in the above listing, realize that God loves you and patiently calls you to repent, learn from the past, and rise to serve Him. What a loving Father!
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are impartial and that You call us to new life through Christ’s empowerment. May we represent You well.