It’s True – Nobody’s Perfect

Have you ever defended your bad behavior by saying, “Nobody’s perfect“? Or has someone ever said to you, “Nobody’s perfect” in defense of something they’ve done wrong? It’s a common response because it’s true. Nobody is perfect except Jesus. However, and this is big, our imperfections aren’t excuses to stay as we are. Rather they’re signals for areas where we need to look to Jesus for His example and empowerment to change.
For instance, during the Sermon on the Mount after Jesus’ teachings on anger, lust, enemies, retaliation and more, Jesus doesn’t say, “Heh everyone, give yourself a break. Nobody’s perfect.” Instead, He says, “Your Heavenly Father is perfect. You’re to be perfect,” Matthew 5:48.
Rather than Jesus letting us off the hook, He sees the potential for us to be transformed into His likeness through the provision of His Holy Spirit.
It requires we be intentional about knowing Christ’s teachings, being filled with His Spirit and power, and confessing and repenting when we sin. So while it is true that nobody is perfect, it is not an excuse. The believer’s hope and joy is knowing we are being perfected and will one day be perfect as our Lord is perfect.
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, You are PERFECT. Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit who transforms us into Your image as we walk by the Holy Spirit.
Would you like to learn more about walking by the Holy Spirit? Listen to these free podcast teachings: “Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit.”