So…our 365 Days of Praise DAILY ATTRIBUTE blog post for 2016 came to a close. But, I still think of you every morning as I kneel and use one of God’s attributes as the springboard for my prayers. My tattered 2016 Prayers of My Heart journal is a diary of prayers, praises, repentance, intercessions, and notes and thoughts I’ve had in my prayer time with the Lord.
I couldn’t wait to open my NEW journal and write 2017 in anticipation of all God will do this year. I can’t WAIT to see His blessing unfold, Him provide, defeat Satan, and do exceedingly beyond what I might imagine or think.
On TUESDAY, JAN 10, 12-1:00, I’m hosting a PRAYER JOURNALING WORKSHOP at our KERRVILLE MINISTRY OFFICE, 1127 E Main Street, 1st floor conference room. COME & LEARN how journaling your prayers can be a blessing and celebration of God in your life. Call or email to let us know you’re coming – 888.815.9412 or [email protected]. Please RSVP by this Friday, Jan 6. There is no charge to attend, but we need to know you’re coming!
Today, Lois Shaw, a dear sister in Christ, came by the office to get her 2017 Prayers of My Heart. My heart was warmed by her comments on how the Prayer Journal Workshop last year helped her know how to use the journal and the blessing it has been in her life to journal.
Then, after Lois left, I received an email from a sister-in-Christ who had this to say, “I want a Prayer Journal for myself and am going to send one to my boyfriend in Kuwait.” I was so touched…thinking of one of our own in Kuwait who will be journaling his prayers and recording God’s answers. You can be sure he will be in my prayers!
SO…maybe you’ve never recorded your prayers, or you’ve tried and it hasn’t “been your thing.” However, we never know when God is turning a page in our life and opening a new door of communication and communion with Him. It’s not too late to give journaling a try. If you’re local, come to the Workshop next Tuesday. Otherwise, order your journal and watch the tips on my web site. You can also reply to this email/blog post if you’d like to come to the Workshop. Or, perhaps I can bring it to your church!
I pray you have a BLESSED 2017!
Love, Debbie
“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth,” Psalm 145:1