Here’s Something for Which to Be Thankful

During this holiday season, is your heart filled with gratitude? Or do you feel like a deflated balloon because some things for which you’d hoped didn’t happen?
Most people agree that life can be hard. In addition, as believers we can feel deflated because we failed to live up to our expectations of how we should behave or speak as a believer.
Some time ago someone said to me, “The only good I have is because I’m a Christian.”
What did they mean? They were saying that Christ is the “goodness” in their life. He is, in fact, what makes us good.
Hebrews 7:26 uses the word “undefiled” to describe Christ because He is more than good. Jesus is “holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.” In other words, Christ is more than a good prophet. He is the high priest of heaven who saves us not because of who we are, but because of who He is.
No matter the circumstances you are facing today, your Savior is facing them with you. This day will pass. Christ’s goodness and presence with you will never pass. For that, you can be thankful.
Lord Jesus, UNDEFILED Savior, I love and praise You, the goodness in my life, my salvation. I am grateful for and love You.
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