The Foundation of Faith

Are you a builder? If so, you know how important the cornerstone is when constructing the foundation of a building. Just as a cornerstone is necessary for a stable and strong foundation, Jesus is essential to the foundation of our Christian faith. He is described as a precious cornerstone in 1 Peter 2:6: “Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
Did you catch that? Peter says that when we build our lives on the precious cornerstone of Jesus that we will not be disappointed. That is a divine promise. If you’ve encountered any disappointments in life, and no doubt you have, then you know what a blessed promise that is. As a matter of fact, what is your testimony of how something in your life initially shook you to the core, but Jesus, foundational to your faith, held you together?
In addition, and importantly in Peter’s description of Jesus, he uses the word “precious.” Whereas in some places in the Bible the word “precious” means excellent and of surpassing value, Peter uses a word that means “honorable, noble.” Yes, a neighbor might build a home on an excellent and expensive foundation, but it not be an honorable, noble one. The believer’s faith is built on not only a firm, excellent foundation, but on the Father’s noble, honorable Son.
Your life of faith is of great value. It is built on the precious cornerstone of Jesus, and as Peter writes, you will not be disappointed. Yes, although we may have disappointments on this side of heaven, get ready for the unveiling of what you have built your life on when the curtains are drawn and your eyes behold Jesus, the precious cornerstone of your faith.
Lord Jesus, You are the PRECIOUS CORNERSTONE of my faith. I love You. I adore You. I am not disappointed, but rather enthralled with You. Thank You for the incredible, eternal blessing of building my life on You. May others see my relationship with You and it draw them to also build their lives on You.
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