Needing A Remodel?

Have you ever looked at yourself and thought, “I need a makeover”? Have you wondered how you could build a better life? If so, the answer is found in Hebrews 3:4 which tells us God is “the builder of all things.” 

Yes, Jesus was more than a small-town carpenter. He built the heavens and earth. Jesus built a global church from a small number of men and women. If He can build the heavens and all creation and if He can recreate us at our spiritual birth, He can remodel us and in fact, wants to. 

If we have attempted to improve ourself but failed, perhaps it’s because we have been attempting a DIY (Do It Yourself) makeover and we need a professional. 

Ask the Lord, the builder of all things, to reconstruct your thoughts, to remodel your desires, and to enlarge the sunroom of your heart so it is a place where He and you meet. Ask Jesus to remodel you to think and look like Him. 

Jesus, BUILDER OF ALL THINGS, You are my Savior Carpenter. You took nails that were meant for me on Your holy body. Reconstruct my mind and heart so I am a holy place in whom You dwell; where others can draw near and see You. 

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