Thank You, JESUS

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”
Daily, we meditate on the different names and traits of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
But one name, JESUS, is the name God gave His Son.
Jesus means “Jehovah is salvation; Jesus is the Savior of mankind.”*
In the angel’s message to Joseph to name the Christ baby, “Jesus,” we hear the hope on which we anchor our souls. Jesus will save us from our sins. Jesus will save our children from their sins. Jesus will save whoever looks on Him and cries to Him for forgiveness.
We’re there, on bended knee, gazing on Jesus in the manger. We’re there, on bended knee, gazing on Jesus on the cross. And between the crib and the cross, Jesus showed us how to live – humbly – with forgiveness, pointing others to the crib and the cross.
Lord JESUS, we praise You, Son of the Most High God, Savior of the world. We adore and worship You; and pray our lives bring You honor and glory that point others to You.
Record each of God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart. Journal your thanks to Him each day. Order here.