Praise Jesus, the APPOINTED SON
“For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which came after the Law, APPOINTS A SON, made perfect forever.”
Leading up to Christmas, join me in focusing on the glory of what God has given us in Jesus.
God APPOINTED JESUS to be our High Priest. Why should that matter to us? Because without Him, we’d be dead in our sins for eternity. Once saved, we’d be wading in guilt without Jesus, our High Priest, who lives to make intercession for us. What does it mean that God APPOINTED Jesus to be our HIGH PRIEST?
Prior to Jesus, Jewish high priests made sacrifices for the sins of people. But, those high priests died. And, they, too, were sinful. So God sent Jesus as a “once for all” High Priest. His sacrifice on the cross became the end all satisfying sacrifice. Resurrected, He now acts as the APPOINTED High Priest who intercedes for us.
Praise God today for appointing Jesus to be the ultimate High Priest, whose sacrifice of His life, opens the door for us to enter heaven. Praise Jesus for daily interceding for you – so you don’t live in daily guilt. God’s APPOINTED SON opened a new world, a unique heavenly world and walk for us.
Heavenly Father, thank You for appointing Jesus as High Priest. Lord Jesus, thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of Your life and for interceding for us. We give you praise!
Click HERE to order Preparing Our Hearts for Christimas. Click HERE to order your 2017 Prayers of My Heart prayer journal.