Praise to the Lord of All the Earth

Throughout history, earthly rulers and leaders have ascended to positions of power, only for their authority to eventually be removed through the succession of another leader or by death. However, the Lord has always reigned over all the earth, and His reign can never be undone or overthrown.
Joshua 3:13 confirms God’s unmatched position of authority: “It shall come about when the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth …”
Psalm 24:1 also declares God’s supremacy: “The earth is the LORD’s and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.”
I often hear people say that it doesn’t matter who you worship, as long as you worship someone or something. But it matters to the Lord of all the earth. Why would the Lord of all the earth want His creation to bow to and follow another god? He doesn’t! He’s the One we’re to bow before, listen to, and follow—Him alone. Unlike earthly rulers, God is perfectly loving and just. We can trust His authority and leadership in our lives.
Heavenly Father, we praise You, LORD OF ALL THE EARTH! Your majesty and power are glorious. You reign in perfect righteousness.
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