Rather Than Bemoan, Let Us Pray

I was bemoaning that my store bought lettuce had gone bad while I was out of town and I had none to make a salad to go with Keith’s and my dinner. No lettuce. Did I mention I was disappointed? Placing tomatoes on our plate, I suddenly remembered…I’d planted lettuce and spinach in my fall garden! I know. You’re wondering how I could have forgotten. I promise, I’m okay. I’d forgotten because I hadn’t planted a garden for years and had only had one fall garden way back when I did. Plus, a lot had happened since I planted my little garden. Turning on outside lights and slipping into my yard shoes, I visited my garden and eagerly picked more than enough lettuce and spinach for our salad. How could I have forgotten? I suppose in the same way we forget God. We forget that on Election Day, He is present. He is all powerful. He can sway hearts. He can place in office the president whose policies most align with Biblical principles. Our Heavenly Father can forgive sins and pour forth grace and extend mercy and allow us as a nation to repent and return to Him. If you haven’t voted, I urge you as a citizen of heaven and earth to make your voice count today. Vote for the president and leaders whose policies align with God’s and the Bible. If you are unsure which party that is, visit here. Rather than bemoan the state of our nation, remember you have an all powerful God. Pray. Vote.
Heavenly Father, too often we forget that You are present and all powerful to sway minds, hearts, and yes, even votes. We plead Your forgiveness of our sins corporately as a nation and individually. Hear our prayer. Extend mercy. Forgive us. We look to You, the only true God, exalted above the nations.
God is the EXALTED ABOVE THE NATIONS. Record His attributes in Prayers of My Heart. Praise Him. Give Prayers of My Heart to those on your Christmas list.
“The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens.” Psalm 113:4 NIV