Rejoicing in Praise
Do you ever wake up in the mornings and feel down? Or, how about at night when you can’t go to sleep? What about when worry and stress edge into your spirit?
Did you know that praise is our Heavenly Father’s gift to us?
We’re not told to praise God because He needs to hear our praise to feel good about Himself. Rather, praise focuses our hearts on Who we have and all we have in Christ. When our eyes look up instead of down and around, we become different people. We’re transformed into the One we have our eyes on.

Following is a list of 26 of God’s A-Z names/character traits in my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.
Read over the list.
Memorize God’s attributes.
Record them in the first column of Prayers of My Heart Week At A Glance prayer journal.
Use God’s attribute as a spring board for your prayers and intercession for family members and others. Rejoice in praise!
Would you like to begin each day in praise? I’ll send you a name/attribute of God every morning.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6
Almighty * Beloved * Comforter * Door * Eternal * Faithful * Guardian of My Soul * Holy * Immanuel * Just * King of Kings * Light * Majestic * New Life * Overcomer * Potter * Quickening Spirit * Righteous * Shield * Tower * Upholder * Vinedresser * Wonderful * eXalted * Yahweh * Zealous
Join Our Prayer Team
Your faithful prayers for Hill Country Ministries and Debbie Taylor Williams mean so much to us. We know that we can do nothing through our own strength but only through the strength, vision, and opportunities that God gives to us.
If you would like to sign up to join our prayer team, please follow the link below and complete the form letting us know about your interest. We will add your name to our list of prayer partners and send regular prayer requests for our ministry. Thank you so much for partnering with us!