Saved from the Devil’s Blow

Picture this. A mom is walking across the street with her child. Suddenly, a truck approaches at a high speed and swerves out of control toward them. Instinctively, the mom jumps in front of her child in order to take the brunt of the impact. Did anyone tell her to do that? No. She did it to save her child’s life because she loves her child. If there had been time for her to think about it, she would have done the same thing. Why? A mom lays down her life for her child.
Jesus, who identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd in John 10:11, laid down His life for us. “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”
Why would Jesus take the blow of death for us? Something worse than an out-of-control truck barrels toward people.
The devil, with out-of-control malice and evil intentions aims to kill us – body, soul, and spirit. Jesus stepped between the devil and us, saving our lives from his evil intentions that would have robbed us of heaven’s glory.
What should be our response? Worship. Thanksgiving. Returning His love by serving His purposes.
Jesus, You are the GOOD SHEPHERD who laid down Your life for me. I love You, give You eternal praise, and offer myself to serve You and Your purposes.
Would you like to learn more about Jesus being the Good Shepherd? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 10 by clicking HERE or listen to it HERE.