1 John 1:9
A Perfect Storm

During the Covid pandemic in 2020, many schools closed. People lost their jobs or worked from home. Close quarters, high emotions, and worries about the future created the perfect storm for cross words, blame, and anger.
Trying times like a pandemic are not the only times storms can brew. How wisely do we relate to one another during those times? Do we withhold or give forgiveness? Do we confess when we have been wrong and attempt to make things right? First John 1:9 provides important spiritual guidance about what we are to do when we have sinned. John writes, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
God is faithful and righteous. He calls us to be faithful and righteous, also. We are to confess our sins. When we do, He extends mercy and forgives us. We are then to extend mercy and forgive others.
How can we do this? We ask Jesus to fill us and live His life through us. When we do, the storm that might have destroyed relationships becomes an opportunity for those closest to us to see Jesus – maybe for the first time or in a new way.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You are with us in the storms of life. Thank You that You are a FORGIVING GOD. Thank You for showing us how to forgive others. Fill us. Live Your life through us so others see and believe in You.
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A Perfect Storm

Schools are closing. College students are returning home to study online. Moms, dads, grandparents are working from home. Or, not working and worried about how they’ll make ends meet. Close quarters. High emotions. Worries about tomorrow. Some not feeling well or downright sick. The perfect storm for crosswords, eruptions, blame, and emotional distancing. How can we wisely relate to one another? With forgiveness. We can pattern ourselves after Jesus who comes to us in the storm. We can pattern ourselves after our Heavenly Father who forgives us even though we miss the mark with Him. First John 1:9 states, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” That is wonderful news. It’s also an example for us to follow. He tells us, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God in Christ has forgiven you,” Ephesians 4:32. Just as. In other words, we repent and tell God we’re sorry when we mess up. We extend mercy and forgive others. We show grace even when it’s not returned. We choose love. How can we do this? We can’t. It is only possible when we receive Christ into our life, our storm, and asked Him to fill us, take control of us, and live His life through us. A storm is a perfect opportunity for those closest to us to see Jesus – maybe for the first time or in a new way.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You come to us in the storms of life. Thank You that You forgive us when we miss the mark. Thank You for showing us how to forgive others. Fill us. Live Your life through us so others see and believe in You.
A Perfect Storm

Schools are closing. College students are returning home to study online. Moms, dads, grandparents are working from home. Or, not working and worried about how they’ll make ends meet. Close quarters. High emotions. Worries about tomorrow. Some not feeling well or down right sick. The perfect storm for cross words, eruptions, blame, and emotional distancing. How can we wisely relate to one another? With forgiveness. We can pattern ourselves after Jesus who comes to us in the storm. We can pattern ourselves after our Heavenly Father who forgives us even though we miss the mark with Him. First John 1:9 states, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” That is wonderful news. It’s also an example for us to follow. He tells us, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God in Christ has forgiven you,” Ephesians 4:32. Just as. In other words we repent and tell God we’re sorry when we mess up. We extend mercy and forgive others. We show grace even when it’s not returned. We choose love. How can we do this? We can’t. It is only possible when we receive Christ into our life, our storm, and asked Him to fill us, take control of us, and live His life through us. A storm is the perfect opportunity for those closest to us to see Jesus – maybe for the first time or in a new way.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You come to us in the storms of life. Thank You that You forgive us when we miss the mark. Thank You for showing us how to forgive others. Fill us. Live Your life through us so others see and believe in You.
What Makes My Heart Sing

Of all the ways that God is described, FORGIVING, is one of God’s character traits that I most appreciate. It’s His character trait that makes my heart sing. Why? Maybe because I’m so mindful of my sins. Maybe because no matter my intent, no matter how hard I try, I fail every day. Maybe because I’m aware of those who aren’t forgiving; who pridefully stand in judgement of the one who sins and points out the error of their ways. I’m blessed to have a husband who reflects Jesus’s heart of love and forgiveness. But, I know some wives and husbands who don’t forgive. There are some parents and children who don’t forgive. Some friends don’t forgive. First John 1:9 states it, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to FORGIVE us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” That is good news to which we can cling. And, it’s an example He tells us to follow.
Lord Jesus, thank You for FORGIVING us. We pray we not take Your forgiveness lightly, but rather, commit to live more fully for You.
It’s Never Too Late

The other day I was surprised to hear a popular singer refer to herself as a god. I was shocked. I wondered how the singer could so pridefully say she was god. Then, God directed me to do a little self-examination rather than be critical of her. Although the musician might say she’s god, do I ever go about my day and act like I am? Oh, I would never intentionally do that. But, do I ever do what I want instead of what the Bible teaches? Do I ever place my desires above those of Jesus? Am I ever more focused on my interests than Christ’s? God put a check on my critical spirit and used the moment to lead me to ask God’s forgiveness. What about you? Could you use a prayer to ask God to forgive you for something? If so, God’s arms are open wide as 1 John 1:9 reminds us. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to FORGIVE us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
What would you do if God wasn’t forgiving? Would you sin less? Or, would you quit trying to “be good” knowing it was impossible? Would you throw all attempts of righteousness out the door and be as sinfully indulgent as you wanted? But God is forgiving. So, what does that mean for us? Does it cause us to want to live a less sinful life; one more pleasing to God? Does the awareness of all the “overs” God gives us create a deep sense of gratitude evidenced by us being less sinful and more like Jesus? God FORGIVES US. What does that mean to us?
Lord Jesus, thank You for FORGIVING our sins. We pray we not take Your forgiveness lightly, but rather, commit to live more fully for You.
‘Fess UP
UPLIFT is a blog that focuses on ways we can please the Lord by living our lives before Him in an UPLIFTing way. We can:
- Wise UP and benefit by living according to His teachings.
- Lift UP our eyes to Him when we don't know what to do.
- Armor UP to be equipped to resist temptation.
- Stand UP for our convictions.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9
What would you do if God wasn’t forgiving? Would you sin less? Or, would you quit trying to “be good” knowing it was impossible? Would you throw all attempts of righteousness out the door and be as sinfully indulging as you wanted? But God is forgiving. So, what does that mean for you? Does it cause you to want to live a less sinful life; one more pleasing to God? Does the awareness of all the “overs” God gives you create a deep sense of gratitude evidenced by you being less sinful and more like Jesus? God forgives you. What does that mean to you?
Lord Jesus, thank You for FORGIVING me of my sin. I pray I not take Your forgiveness lightly; but rather live a life that is increasingly pleasant to You.
Record each daily description of God in Prayers of My Heart. Click HERE for today’s worship songs and more Scriptures.