2 Corinthians 9:15
The Indescribable Gift

Have you ever been called a “gift” because of who you are and what you give to others?
Second Corinthians 9:15 describes Jesus as a gift. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.”
Why would Paul refer to Jesus as an indescribable gift? Jesus is a gift because He gives us salvation as Ephesians 2:8 explains. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”
Why would Paul use the word indescribable in reference to Christ? Because there are no human words that can portray the awfulness of hell from which He rescued us nor the heights and delights of heaven to which He delivered us. Not until heaven will we fully grasp the gift of salvation.
In the meantime, God’s gift of Christ is already being unwrapped day by day as He extends grace, mercy, forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit to us to be our guide, helper, and comforter.
As we read and meditate on each of God the Father’s, Son’s, and Spirit’s attributes, we more fully appreciate the indescribable gift we have in Christ and our salvation.
Who do you know who could use this indescribable gift? Will you tell them all you have, love, and appreciate about the Lord Jesus? It is when they see in you and hear you speak of Him and the gift He is to you that they will yearn to also have the indescribable gift.
Thank You, Heavenly Father and Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT. Help us be messengers of Your gift to others.
Happy Mother’s Day! We hope all you mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures have a blessed and love-filled day!
Do you know a mom or someone else in your life who needs to hear about God’s indescribable gift of Jesus? Send them this link: “Meet Jesus…Experience His Grace.”

Have you ever been called a “gift” because of who you are and what you give to others? Second Corinthians 9:15 describes Jesus in this way. “Thanks be to God for His INDESCRIBABLE GIFT.” What is the indescribable gift? Jesus Christ laying down His life so we could be heirs of heaven!!! However, there is so much more to the INDESCRIBABLE GIFT. There’s the grace, righteousness, and fruits of the Holy Spirit we receive in salvation! Who is the recipient of God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT? Everyone who repents and confesses Jesus as Lord. YOU!
And, along with God’s indescribable gift of Himself and all that entails, we have the gift of our mothers. So to all the mothers out there, a great big Happy Mother’s Day from my heart to yours!
Thank You, Heavenly Father and Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT!

Have you ever been called a “gift” because of who you are and what you give to others? Second Corinthians 9:15 describes Jesus in this way. “Thanks be to God for His INDESCRIBABLE GIFT.” What is the indescribable gift? Jesus Christ laying down His life so that we would receive the free gift of eternal life. The INDESCRIBABLE GIFT of grace, righteousness, and so much more that we receive in salvation! Who is the recipient of God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT? Every one who repents and confesses Jesus as Lord. YOU!
Thank You, Heavenly Father and Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT!

Have you ever been called a “gift” because of who you are and what you give to others? Second Corinthians 9:15 describes Jesus in this way. “Thanks be to God for His INDESCRIBABLE GIFT.” What is the indescribable gift? Jesus Christ laying down His life so that we would receive the free gift of eternal life. The INDESCRIBABLE GIFT of grace, righteousness, and so much more that we receive in salvation! Who is the recipient of God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT? Everyone who repents and confesses Jesus as Lord.
Thank You, Heavenly Father and Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT!
“Thanks be to God for His INDESCRIBABLE GIFT.”
2 Corinthians 9:15
Have you ever been called a “gift”?
The apostle Paul describes Jesus as a gift. Why? Wrapped in the Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross is the INDESCRIBABLE GIFT of grace, salvation, righteousness, and so much more!
Who is the recipient of God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT?
We are. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus can be saved.
When my husband, Keith, gives me a gift, I love to wear it, share it, and enjoy it. Are we wearing, sharing, and enjoying the INDESCRIBABLE GIFT God’s given us in Jesus?
“We praise you, Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT”!
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.”
2 Corinthians 9:15
Today is my oldest sister’s birthday. It’s a day of celebration! Why? Because Linda is a gift to our family and to many throughout the nation. Meet Linda McConnico and you will find the Lord – for HE is present IN her. God gave Linda the indescribable gift of Jesus. She has not buried Christ beneath her personality. Rather, she daily offers to Christ the platform of her life through which she showcases HIM. Christ is an indescribable gift, whom God has given us. Are we showcasing HIM and living in a way that expresses our thanks to God for His indescribable gift?
I praise you, Jesus, God’s INDESCRIBABLE GIFT!
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