2 Timothy 1:10
If You’re Worried About Dying

UPDATE ON DEBBIE’S SURGERY: All of the surgery was able to be done robotically! The right upper lobe with the 2 tumors and the difficult malignant lymph nodes were removed, except for 2 or 3 that need to be biopsied. The most concerning lymph node was removed successfully. Very importantly, they did not have to use a large incision to access it. Praise God for this good news, for an excellent surgery, and thank you all for your faithful prayers!
I thought I killed a bee, but realized I only stunned it as I watched it begin moving. There’s a difference between stunning something and killing, or abolishing, it.
When you think about death, does it worry you? Here’s the deal, and it’s great news. Second Timothy 1:10 assures us that we don’t need to worry about death. Why? The verse explains that when Christ died on the cross, He didn’t stun death. Rather, “…our Savior Christ Jesus, abolished death and brought life and immortality to light…”
In other words, when our body ceases to live, our spirit continues to live. Those who have placed their faith in Christ and are indwelt by Christ’s Holy Spirit will live eternally in His glorious presence. That is something to celebrate, not fear.
Lord Jesus Savior, I praise You that You ABOLISHED DEATH. Thank You for eternal life in You.
The Gospel of John is full of examples of Jesus seeking and saving the lost. It also recounts the death and resurrection of Jesus, which made a way for all to come to Him for salvation and receive eternal life. Access Debbie’s free online Bible study of John HERE.
If You’re Worried About Dying

I thought I had killed a bee, but I only stunned it. Before I could blink, the bee was moving. There’s a difference between stunning something and abolishing it. When you think about death, does it worry you? Here’s the deal, and it’s great news! Second Timothy 1:10 assures us that we don’t have to worry about death. Why? The verse explains that when Christ died on the cross, He didn’t stun death, but that death continues to be a reality for us. Rather, it says, “ …our Savior Christ Jesus, abolished death and brought life and immortality to light…” In other words, when our body ceases to live, our spirit continues to live. Those who have placed their faith in Christ and whose human spirit is indwelt by Christ’s Holy Spirit will live eternally in His glorious light. That’s something to celebrate, not fear.
Lord Jesus Savior, we praise You for abolishing death! Thank You for eternal life in You.
Do You Worry About Dying

I thought I had killed a bee, but I only stunned it. Before I could blink, the bee was moving. There’s a difference between stunning something and abolishing it. When you think about death, does it worry you? Here’s the deal, and it’s great news! Second Timothy 1:10 assures us that we don’t have to worry about death. Why? The verse explains that when Christ died on the cross, He didn’t stun death, but that death continue to be a reality for us. Rather, it says, “ …our Savior Christ Jesus, abolished death and brought life and immortality to light…” In other words, when our body ceases to live, our spirit continues to live. Those who have placed their faith in Christ and whose human spirit is wed to Christ’s Holy Spirit will live eternally in His glorious light. That’s something to celebrate, not fear.
Lord Jesus Savior, we praise You for abolishing death! Thank You for eternal life in You.
Do You Worry About Dying

I thought I had killed a bee, but I only stunned it. Before I could blink, the bee was moving. There’s a difference between stunning something and abolishing it. Hi. I’m Debbie Taylor Williams. When you think about death, does it worry you? Here’s the deal, and it’s great news! Second Timothy 1:10 assures us that we don’t have to worry about death. Why? The verse explains that when Christ died on the cross, He didn’t stun death and death continue to be a reality for us. Rather, it says, “ …our Savior Christ Jesus, abolished death and brought life and immortality to light…” In other words, when our body ceases to live, our spirit continues to live. Those who have placed their faith in Christ and whose human spirit is wed to Christ’s Holy Spirit will live eternally in His glorious light. That’s something to celebrate, not fear.
Lord Jesus Savior, we praise You for abolishing death! Thank You for eternal life in You.
*Bible Gateway
Thank You, Jesus, for ABOLISHING DEATH
“…our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light…’”
I thought I’d killed the bee, but I’d only stunned it. Before I could blink, it was moving – fully alive. There’s a difference between stunning something and annihilating it.
Paul wanted us to know, in no uncertain terms, that Jesus Christ didn’t just stun death. He didn’t weaken death’s power. Rather, as Bible commentators explain, Jesus “rendered death inoperative and deprived death of its strength.”*
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the curse of sin – death – was broken. The cross took care of the curse. What power! What love. Read 2 Timothy 1:10 in context. Worship Christ who ABOLISHED DEATH so that we would not have to fear it, but rather have full assurance of eternal life.
Lord Jesus Savior, we praise You, ABOLISHER of DEATH. Thank You for eternal life in You.