Acts 1:8



Are you a Christian? Have you repented of your sins and asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you? Have you confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, you’ve been cleansed of your sin. God has baptized you with the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit. But are you living an empowered life? 

John the Baptist baptized people in water for the forgiveness of their sins, but explained that Jesus baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit, who empowers us for daily living. “He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit” (John 1:33).

In Acts 1:8, Jesus explained that when the Holy Spirit comes upon believers, they receive power that impacts their actions and calling. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.”

God’s provision for believers includes Holy Spirit anointed empowerment to do His will and work, to be His witness. If we’re trudging through our days, living by our own strength, and not being Christ’s witness, it’s time to check the pulse of the Holy Spirit in our lives and question whether we are truly living an empowered life.

Jesus, holy and wonderful BAPTIZER, I thank you that when I come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, You cleanse me. Realizing You have gifted me with Your amazing Spirit, awakens me to the importance of living by Your power and doing Your will.

We don’t have to live the Christian life in our own strength—Jesus sent us a Helper, the Holy Spirit. To learn more about Christ’s incredible gift, listen to this podcast teaching: Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit.


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One Can’t Pour What One Doesn’t Have


When you think about Jesus, what comes to your mind? Is it Jesus teaching or healing? Or, perhaps you think of Jesus, the suffering servant in the Garden of Gethsemane, submitting His will to the Father.  For many, they think of Jesus on the cross.  

Hebrews 1:8-9 points to a wonderful visual of Christ, “But of the Son He says, ‘…Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your companions.'”

Isn’t that a wonderful image for us to think of—Jesus anointed with the oil of gladness above all others? What does that mean? The words “anointed with” are often used in reference to the Holy Spirit being upon a person. We know from Galatians 5:22 that joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Joy. Gladness. Jesus is anointed with the Holy Spirit, with gladness, joy “above” others. And rightly so. He accomplished what no one else could do. He paid mankind’s sin debt. He obtained salvation for all who call on Him. Jesus is overjoyed…more than anyone else on earth or in heaven. 

But there’s more. Isaiah 61:3 prophesies that Jesus Messiah would give, “The oil of gladness instead of mourning, the cloak of praise instead of a disheartened spirit.” Jesus, having accomplished salvation for all who call on Him, pours out the Holy Spirit and His joy on others (Acts 1:8).

If you’re disheartened, remember Jesus, anointed with the oil of gladness. Ask Him to fill you with His gladness. Then, let His joy flow through you to others.

Lord Jesus, I praise You, anointed with the OIL OF GLADNESS above others. Overflow Your gladness on and through me so others see and believe in You.

Would you like to learn more about walking by the Holy Spirit? Listen to these free podcast teachings: “Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit.”


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Knock, Knock


Have you ever experienced someone who you deeply love being distant with you? Maybe your spouse has become swamped at work and “doesn’t have time” to talk. Perhaps a child or the person you were dating moved away and it seems they’ve forgotten you. Or, perhaps someone you care about has put Jesus on the “back burner” and doesn’t want to talk about spiritual matters anymore.

Just as we yearn for a relationship with those we love, James 4:5 tells us that Christ yearns, or longs for, a vibrant relationship with believers. “Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: ‘He jealously desires (longs for) the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us’?”

Yes, the Lord created us with the spiritual capacity to have His Holy Spirit in our very being. His gift of the Holy Spirit to believers at salvation is not only for the purpose of sealing us for eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:21-22), but to also empower us to witness and vibrantly walk out our Christian faith (Acts 1:8, Galatians 5:22-23). Christ’s gift of the Holy Spirit also provides a way for us to have intimate conversations with Him (Romans 8:6, Ephesians 6:18).

James’ words are a wake up call to believers who are inundated with the world and neglecting time and intimacy with Christ.

What can we do if we have put Christ, His Spirit in us, on the “back burner”?  We can respond to Jesus’ call. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me,” Revelation 3:20. What an invitation to intimacy!

How will you respond to Christ’s knock? Will you open your Bible to James 4 and have a conversation with Jesus?

YEARNING SAVIOR, SPIRIT OF CHRIST, forgive me when I am so preoccupied with the world that I neglect You, Your Spirit and Word. Rekindle my passion as I draw near to You in prayer and the Word.

Would you like to learn more about Christ’s gift of the Holy Spirit? Listen to this free podcast teaching: Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit.


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The Christmas Poinsettia


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses…” Acts 1:8

Do you have Christmas traditions that you carry on that were a part of your childhood? Among the many that I have already shared, another is that of my mother decorating with poinsettias.  The poinsettia derives its name from Joel Robert Poinsett who brought the plant from Mexico to the United States in 1829.  Why do Christians like getting or giving poinsettias at Christmas? Their blood-red petals remind us of the blood Christ shed for our sins.  The green leaves remind us of the eternal life we have in Him.  The gold crowning center of the flower reminds us that Christ is the crowned King of heaven who reigns on high. The Poinsettia calls us to consider if Jesus is the crowning center of our life if we worship and bow before Him if we let Him reign over our thoughts, decisions, and behavior.  Just as I did not know about poinsettias until my mother introduced them to me, so we have friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus.  Why not give a poinsettia to an unsaved friend or family member and share the meaning of the poinsettia, the meaning of Christmas?

5 Days till CHRISTMAS!  Do you need a last minute gift? How about a donation in honor of that special someone who already has everything? We’ll let them know of your thoughtfulness and our ongoing mission to spread the Word and love of Jesus. In the “notes” or “comments” section of the donation page, provide the name and address of the person you are honoring. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you! And remember, your donation is tax-deductible. Questions? Email us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Blessings, friends!

Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams

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Are you a Christian? In other words, have you repented of your sins and asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you? If so, you’ve been cleansed of them. But are you living empowered?  You see, John the Baptist baptized people in water for the forgiveness of their sin, but in John 1:33 he explained that Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit, who seals us for heaven and empowers us for daily living.

He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 1:8 Jesus said we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. God’s provision for believers is Holy Spirit anointed power! If we’re trudging through life and living in our own strength, it’s time to check the pulse of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Learn more about the Holy Spirit in the Listen UP DVD or How to Live by the Divine Nature Bible study…2 resources to help you live an empowered life.

Thank You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, You BAPTIZE us with the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be mindful of the gift of Your Spirit and live by Your empowerment. 

This is 1 of the 365 facets of our wonderful Lord. To get this free devotional in your inbox, click HERE


The Christmas Poinsettia


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses… Acts 1:8

Do you have Christmas traditions that you carry on that were a part of your childhood? Among the many that I have already shared, another is that of my mother decorating with poinsettias.  The poinsettia derives its name from Joel Robert Poinsett who brought the plant from Mexico to the United States in 1829.  Why do Christians like getting or giving poinsettias at Christmas? Their blood-red petals remind us of the blood Christ shed for our sins.  The green leaves remind us of the eternal life we have in Him.  The gold crowning center of the flower reminds us that Christ is the crowned King of heaven who reigns on high. The Poinsettia calls us to consider if Jesus is the crowning center of our life, if we worship and bow before Him, if we let Him reign over our thoughts, decisions, and behavior?  Just as I did not know about poinsettias until my mother introduced them to me, so we have friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus.  Why not give a poinsettia to an unsaved friend or family member and share the meaning of the poinsettia, the meaning of Christmas?

4 Days till CHRISTMAS!  Do you need a last minute gift? How about a donation in honor of that special someone who already has everything? We’ll let them know of your thoughtfulness and our ongoing mission to spread the Word and love of Jesus. In the “notes” or “comments” section of the donation page, provide the name and address of the person you are honoring. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you! And remember, your donation is tax-deductible. Questions? Email us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Blessings, friends!

Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams


The Witness of the Poinsettia


Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses… Acts 1:8

Do you have traditions that you carry on that were a part of your childhood Christmas memories? I do, and my mother decorating with poinsettias is one of them.  The poinsettia derives its name from Joel Robert Poinsett who brought the plant from Mexico to the United States in 1829.  Why do Christians like getting or giving poinsettias at Christmas? Their blood-red petals remind us of the blood Christ shed for our sins.  The green leaves remind us of the eternal life we have in Him.  The gold crowning center of the flower reminds us that Christ is the crowned King of heaven who reigns on high. The Poinsettia calls us to consider if Jesus is the crowning center of our life, if we worship and bow before Him, if we let Him reign over our thoughts, decisions, and behavior?  Just as I did not know about poinsettias until my mother introduced them to me, so we have friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus.  Why not give a poinsettia to an unsaved friend or family member and share why you like them? Introduce them to the true meaning of Christmas.

4 Days til CHRISTMAS!  Do you need a last minute gift? How about a donation in honor of that special someone who already has everything? We’ll let them know of your thoughtfulness and our ongoing mission to spread the Word and love of Jesus. In the “notes” or “comments” section, provide the name and address of the person you are honoring. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you! And remember, your donation is tax deductible. Questions? Email me: [email protected].

Oh! Remember to watch the magnificence of of Jupiter and Saturn tonight. As we do, we’ll be reminded of the STAR that guided the wise men. Oh, what a magnificent, wonderful Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit we have, sweet friends. Celebrate them! Love you.


Clean and Empowered


Are you a Christian? In other words, you’ve acknowledged you’re a sinner. You’ve asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you on the basis of Jesus taking your sins on Himself and dying for them. You’ve been cleansed. But are you living an empowered life? You see, John the Baptist baptized people in water, but in John 1:33, he explained that Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit. “‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’” Jesus explained in Acts 1:8 that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us at our salvation. God’s provision for believers is Holy Spirit anointed power! If we’re trudging through life and living in our own strength, it’s time to check the pulse of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Learn more about the Holy Spirit in the Listen UP DVD or How to Live by the Divine Nature Bible study.  2 Resources to help you grow.

Thank You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, You BAPTIZE us with the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be mindful of the gift of Your Spirit in us so we walk and live by the Spirit.

This is 1 of 365 facets of our wonderful Lord. To get this free devotional in your inbox, click HERE

