Acts 3:15
Death Leads to Life

Can you imagine the conversations that took place after God raised Jesus from the dead? Some didn’t believe it at first. Others couldn’t help but acknowledge His resurrection because they saw Jesus, touched Him, and observed Him eating fish. He wasn’t a ghost. He wasn’t a figment of their imagination. Five hundred people witnessed seeing the resurrected Prince of Life. In other words, Jesus is life, and He walked right back into their lives.
Acts 3:15 says, “…[you] put to death the Prince of Life, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.”
Is the Prince of Life walking in our life? Are we aware of His presence? Are we experiencing His peace within ourselves? Are we mindful that just as He is alive and not in the grave, our loved ones who have died are not dead but alive, and that we won’t be dead even though our body is in the grave? The Prince of Life is with us when we walk the corridor of death. We and our loved ones will never be alone. We need not fear.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the ever-present PRINCE OF LIFE.
Our key verse today is Acts 3:15. To watch all of Debbie’s teaching on Acts 3, click HERE or listen to it HERE.
The Corridor of Death Leads to Life Eternal

Can you imagine the conversations that took place after God raised Jesus from the dead? Some didn’t believe it at first. Others couldn’t help but acknowledge His resurrection when they saw Jesus, touched Him, and observed Him eating fish. He wasn’t a ghost. He wasn’t a figment of their imagination. Five hundred people witnessed seeing the resurrected PRINCE OF LIFE. In other words, Jesus IS LIFE and He walked right back into their life. Is the PRINCE OF LIFE walking in our life? Are we aware of His presence? Are we experiencing His peace within ourselves? Are we mindful that just as He is alive and not in the grave our loved ones who have died are not dead, but alive, and that we won’t be dead even after our body is in the grave? The Prince of Life is with us when we walk the corridor of death. We and our loved ones will never be alone. We need not fear.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the ever present PRINCE of LIFE.
“…you put to death the PRINCE OF LIFE, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.” Acts 3:15
You Can’t Kill Him Dead Forever

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Can you imagine the conversations that took place after God raised Jesus from the dead? Some didn’t believe it at first. Others couldn’t help but acknowledge His resurrection when they saw Jesus, touched Him, and observed Him eating fish. He wasn’t a ghost. He wasn’t a figment of their imagination. Five hundred people witnessed seeing the resurrected PRINCE OF LIFE. In other words, they couldn’t “kill Him dead” forever. Jesus walked right back into life. Why? How? Because Jesus is the PRINCE of LIFE. What’s more – He is your PRINCE OF LIFE. He won’t let you stay dead. He’s waiting on the other side when you walk the corridor of death. You need not fear.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the PRINCE of LIFE.
“…you put to death the PRINCE OF LIFE, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.” Acts 3:15
Praise to the PRINCE OF LIFE
“…you put to death the PRINCE OF LIFE, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.”
Can you imagine the conversations that took place after God raised Jesus from the dead? Some didn’t believe it at first. Others couldn’t help but acknowledge it when they saw Jesus, touched Him, and observed Him eating fish. He wasn’t a ghost. He wasn’t a figment of their imagination. Five hundred people witnessed seeing the resurrected PRINCE OF LIFE. In other words, they couldn’t “kill Him dead” forever. Jesus walked right back into life. Why? How? Because Jesus is the PRINCE of LIFE. What’s more – He is your PRINCE OF LIFE. He won’t let you stay dead. He’s waiting on the other side when you walk the corridor of death. You need not fear.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the PRINCE of LIFE.