Since We Know, Are We Telling Others to Prepare

February 2021 a winter freeze took this Texas girl by surprise. Yes, I’d seen the warnings of a winter storm. In my mind that tabulated to cold weather and snow. I did think twice about the ice warning, but then went on with my life. Then it got cold. And colder. And colder. I wasn’t prepared and by the time the snow, cold, iced over roads, power outage, no water, and firewood had run out, it was too late to do anything. The days for preparing had passed. I lived in the consequences of my lackadaisical unpreparedness. As the water we had collected in bowls froze inside our home, I thought of what I would do to be better prepared should we have another winter storm. I also thought of how terrifying it is going to be for people who have a lackadaisical attitude toward Biblical warnings of judgement and hell. Yes, many people are going on with their lives and not doing anything to prepare for the salvation of their soul. Thinking of the unsaved sitting in hell with no way to get out is a horrifying thought. Equally horrifying is to neglect Christ’s call to believers to go and tell the unsaved how to be saved. If I felt stuck in the cold of my house, how will they feel stuck in the fire of hell? Friends, Jesus tells us with “all authority” in Matthew 28:18-20 that we are to be sounding the warning that a day is coming when everyone will stand before Jesus to give an account for their lives. Jesus commands us with all authority to,
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”
Are we warning others to prepare to meet Jesus? Are we telling them how to prepare while they still have time?
Jesus, Son of God, You have all AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth. Open our eyes to the unsaved and our mouths to tell them the good news of salvation in You.
Help Others Prepare. Learn how to share your faith HERE.
Since We Know, How Will We Prepare Others

The February 2021 winter freeze took this Texas girl by surprise. Yes, I’d seen the warnings of a winter storm. Okay, that meant cold weather and snow. Ice. I made a mental note of the warning and went on with my life. Then it got cold. And colder. And more cold. I wasn’t prepared and by the time the snow, cold, iced over roads, power outage, no water, and firewood had run out, it was too late to do anything about it. The days for preparing had passed. I was living in the consequences of my lackadaisical unpreparedness. Often I thought of what I would do to be better prepared should we have another winter storm. I also often thought of how ultimately terrifying it is going to be for people who have sort of paid attention to the warning of a judgement after death, to the fire and more fire of hell, to the punishment for sin, and yet are going on with their lives and not doing anything to prepare for the salvation of their soul. It makes me cringe. It fills me with sorrow for them and regret that I have not done more to sound the warning. If I felt stuck in the cold of my house, how will they feel when they are stuck in the fire of their hell? Sweet friends, Jesus tells us with “all authority” in Matthew 28:18-20 that we are to be sounding the warning that a day is coming when all people will meet Jesus and their soul will be sealed in heaven or hell. Jesus commands us with all authority to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” Are we warning others to prepare to meet Jesus? Are we telling them how to prepare while they still have time?
Jesus, Son of God, You have all AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth. Show us how we can warn people of hell so they will hear, believe, and prepare to meet You.
Verses to Share to Help Others Prepare. Learn how to share your faith HERE.
So Now that We Know, What Will We Do

Have you ever wondered if you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing? If so, consider this. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. (Matthew 4:8) Jesus stood against Satan’s temptation and by doing so, He received God’s gift -“all authority in heaven and on earth.” (Matthew 28:18) With heaven’s highest authority, Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19-20 what we are to be doing during our time on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” So now that we know, what will we do?
Jesus, we praise You, Son of God who has all AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth.
Learn how to share your faith HERE.
So Now That We Know, What Will We Do

Have you ever wondered if you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing on earth? If so, consider this. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. (Mt 4:8) Jesus stood against Satan’s temptation and by doing so, He received God’s gift to Him -“all authority in heaven and on earth.” (Mt 28:18) With heaven’s highest authority, Jesus tells us, His followers, in Mt 28:19-20 what we are to be doing during our time on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” So now that we know, what will we do?
Jesus, we praise You, Son of God who has all AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth.
Learn how to share your faith HERE.
Praise Jesus, Who Has All AUTHORITY
Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. (Mt 4:8) Jesus refused his offer. However, He received God’s gift: AUTHORITY. Jesus has “all authority in heaven and on earth.” (Mt 28:18) With that authority, He speaks to us. (See Mt 28:19-20) Some people acknowledge Christ’s authority and submit their will to Him. Others act like Jesus isn’t God and go their merry way – living however they like. But life is not a game. It’s not “flip a coin” and see if I feel like obeying Christ’s teachings. He came FROM heaven TO earth to save us from sin. Sin is eternally deadly. Are we so inundated with it, we’ve become comfortable with sin? Or, are we appalled by our sin and go the Lord in repentance; asking for His empowerment to overcome it? Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth. His authority is not something to be dismissed; but rather, humbly acknowledged and bowed to.
Our Lord, Jesus, You have all AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth. Forgive us when we read Your teachings and then dismiss them as if we were reading Dear Abby’s suggestions. You are LORD and we are Your servants. May we never forget that, and may we humbly bow to Your authority.