
Are you a Christian? In other words, have you repented of your sins and asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you? If so, you’ve been cleansed of them. But are you living empowered? You see, John the Baptist baptized people in water for the forgiveness of their sin, but in John 1:33 he explained that Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit, who seals us for heaven and empowers us for daily living.
He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.
In Acts 1:8 Jesus said we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. God’s provision for believers is Holy Spirit anointed power! If we’re trudging through life and living in our own strength, it’s time to check the pulse of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Learn more about the Holy Spirit in the Listen UP DVD or How to Live by the Divine Nature Bible study…2 resources to help you live an empowered life.
Thank You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, You BAPTIZE us with the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be mindful of the gift of Your Spirit and live by Your empowerment.
This is 1 of the 365 facets of our wonderful Lord. To get this free devotional in your inbox, click HERE.
Clean and Empowered
Are you a Christian? In other words, you’ve acknowledged you’re a sinner. You’ve asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you on the basis of Jesus taking your sins on Himself and dying for them. You’ve been cleansed. But are you living an empowered life? You see, John the Baptist baptized people in water, but in John 1:33, he explained that Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit. “‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’” Jesus explained in Acts 1:8 that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us at our salvation. God’s provision for believers is Holy Spirit anointed power! If we’re trudging through life and living in our own strength, it’s time to check the pulse of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Learn more about the Holy Spirit in the Listen UP DVD or How to Live by the Divine Nature Bible study. 2 Resources to help you grow.
Thank You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, You BAPTIZE us with the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be mindful of the gift of Your Spirit in us so we walk and live by the Spirit.
This is 1 of 365 facets of our wonderful Lord. To get this free devotional in your inbox, click HERE.
Clean and Empowered
Are you a Christian? Hi. I’m Debbie Taylor Williams.You’ve acknowledged you’ve done or thought wrong things; that you’re not perfect like God. You’ve asked the Heavenly Father to forgive you; acknowledging in faith that Jesus took the punishment for your sins. You’re clean. But are you living the empowered life? Why is this important? John the Baptist baptized people in water, but in John 1:33 he explained this about Jesus. “‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’” John baptized repentant sinners in the river symbolizing the washing away of their sins. Jesus baptizes repentant sinners with the river of living water – the Holy Spirit, flowing in them, empowering them.
Thank You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance, confessing You as Lord and Savior, that You BAPTIZE us with the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be mindful of the gift of You Spirit in us so we walk and live by the Spirit
This is 1 of 365 facets of our wonderful Lord. To get this free in your inbox, click HERE.
Praise to Him Who BAPTIZES in the HOLY SPIRIT
“I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me,
‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’”
God sent the disciple John to prepare the way for Jesus. John baptized repentant sinners in water symbolizing the washing away of sins. Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit, immersing us into one body in Christ; empowering us to live for Him. The baptism of the Holy Spirit seals our salvation and is a promise of our inheritance.
We praise You, JESUS, that when we come to You in repentance and confess You as Lord, that You give us the gift of being BAPTIZED in the HOLY SPIRIT. Help us be ever mindful of walking by the Spirit; through whom we are sealed for the day of our redemption.
This is one of God’s 365 attributes for which we can look up, praise, and trust Him. To learn about His other attributes and ways you can know God and praise Him, join us HERE.