Bearer of Sin

Remember “So That”


Does sin weigh you down? It often does me. As long as we’re in our earthly bodies, we’re going to sin. But, and this is big – because Jesus took our sins, we’re declared righteous and we’re also called to be righteous.  In other words, sin is to be “dying off” in us as we purposefully draw close to Jesus, learn His ways, practice His teachings, and look at our sins through His eyes. The bottom line, we recognize we have an upward calling and we don’t want sin to be a part of our life. Here’s how  1 Peter 2:24 explains it. “…He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” Jesus bore our sin in His body on the cross “so that…”  Jesus suffered so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.


Remember “So That”


Does sin weigh you down? It often does me. As long as we’re in our earthly bodies, we’re going to sin. But, and this is big – because Jesus took our sins, we’re declared righteous and we’re also called to be righteous.  In other words, sin is to be “dying off” in us as we purposefully draw close to Jesus, learn His ways, practice His teachings, and look at our sins through His eyes. Bottom line, we recognize we have an upward calling and we don’t want sin to be a part of our life. Here’s how  1 Peter 2:24 explains it. “…He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” Jesus bore our sin in His body on the cross “so that…”  Jesus suffered so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.


A High and Precious Calling


Would you agree there’s a lot of darkness in the world and that people senselessly hurt one another? Here’s good news. Believers have a different calling than to hurt one another. First Peter 2:21-24 is God’s shout out for us to walk according to a high and precious calling. “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, [Calling 1: Follow Christ’s Steps] who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; [Calling 2: Speak the Truth]; and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, [Calling 3: Take the High Road in Relationships], but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; [Calling 4: Keep Entrusting Ourself to God]; and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; [Calling 5: Live Righteously]; for by His wounds you were healed. [Calling 6: Walk in Christ’s Healing]  Yes, there’s a lot of hurt in the world, but Christians are called to a high and precious calling. How are we doing?

Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus and that He bore our sins so that we might live righteously. Help us honor Him by living according to Your high and precious calling.  



A High and Precious Calling



Would you agree that there’s a lot of darkness in the world; people senselessly hurting one another? Here’s good news. Believers have a different calling than to hurt one another. First Peter 2:21-24 is God’s shout out for us to walk in our high and precious calling. “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, [Calling 1: Follow Christ’s Steps] who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; [Calling 2: Speak the Truth]; and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, [Calling 3: Take the High Road in Relationships], but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; [Calling 4: Keep Entrusting Ourself to God]; and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; [Calling 5: Live Righteously]; for by His wounds you were healed. [Calling 6: Walk in Christ’s Healing]  Yes, there’s a lot of hurt in the world, but Christians are called to a high and precious calling.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus and that He bore our sins on His body so that we might die to sin and live righteously. Thank You for the high and precious calling you’ve given us. Help us live up to it in honor of You. 


Thank You, Jesus, for BEARING MY SIN


“…He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.”

 1 Peter 2:24

Does sin weigh you down? It often does me. As long as we’re in our earthly bodies, we’re going to sin. But, and this is big – because Jesus took our sins, we’re both declared righteous and also called to righteousness.

In other words, sin is to be “dying off” in us as as we conscientiously draw close to Jesus. We learn His ways. We practice His teachings. We look at our sins through Jesus’s eyes and don’t want them to be a part of our lives.

We have an upward calling.

Yes, Jesus BORE OUR SINS in His body on the cross. But then He rose to life. And it is in and through His life that we grasp hold of the “so that…”  Jesus suffered “so that” we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”

Thank You, Jesus, for BEARING OUR SINS, so that we can spend eternity with You. 
