Bearing Fruit
If You Want Joy

Jesus is interested in you and if your life and days are meaningful. Why? He designed us to bear fruit. In John 15:1-2, Jesus explains how our lives can be fruitful if we live in a close relationship with Him. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.”
Why does God prune the dead, fruitless branches and eagerly watch to see if we begin bearing fruit? A fruitful life brings us joy and Him glory. I didn’t understand that until I planted a garden several years ago. Then I understood the joy of seeing a branch bear a flower and then fruit.
God is our vinedresser. He watches us every day and prunes from us that which is unproductive so we bear glorious fruit. Without a doubt, the apple, peach, or tomato that reaches peak ripeness is the most flavorful and delicious.
If we sometimes feel the pressure of the Father’s pruning shears on us, it’s proof that He loves us and is present in our life. Rather than resist the ways He is pruning you, be glad that He cares about you. Yield to His touch. You’ll bear more fruit and experience more joy.
Lord, You are the VINEDRESSER. We praise You that You care about us and want us to be productive, joyful Christians. Prune us so we bear much fruit that glorifies You.
Learn more about abiding in Jesus and bearing good fruit by watching Debbie’s teaching on John 15 HERE. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe for more teachings by Debbie!
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing?

Some time ago, I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and didn’t know if it was a weed I should discard or if it was a vine I should keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow. Many today hear spiritual teachings and find themselves like me, yet in relation to a matter of much greater significance. They wonder if they’re hearing a good teaching to which they should hold or a false teaching they should discard.
Jesus doesn’t want us to make the wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’ words and teachings? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the true vine, and His fruit in your life so they can taste and recognize the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that choke out the fruit of Your presence.
Want to learn more about abiding in Jesus and bearing good fruit? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 15 by clicking HERE.
“bearing fruit in every good work”
Have you ever thought of yourself as a “spiritual fruit bearer”? If not, isn’t it exciting to realize that God wants us to bear fruit for eternity? What does it mean to “bear fruit in every good work”? To help us grasp the concept, it helps to consider what it is like to bear children. Recently, as my husband and I visited on the back porch, he asked, “Was it the most incredible thing in the world to have a human being grow inside you?” “Yes!” was my response, as I thought back to the first time I felt Taylor move within me. More incredible, however, is to feel Christ move within!
from If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?