Chief Cornerstone

How Steady is Your Future?


If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work, what would you say? Would you say it’s because you’re a hard worker? You’re conscientious? You’re a good listener? It’s an important question. 

A more important question, however, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work in a way that brings God glory? Why is that important? Christians are to live in a way that brings glory to God according to 1 Corinthians 10:31. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 

Does that mean we will be perfect? No. It means we will be purposeful about building our lives on Christ, who Acts 4:11 describes as a chief cornerstone. When we stray, we turn back to Christ, repent, and build on what we know is His will instead of continuing to build in the wrong direction. 

At the base of the believer’s life is the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. He is the foundation on which we want our lives to be built. 

If it is your heart’s desire to build your life on Christ, study His Word. Join others for prayer and fellowship. Take steps to draw closer to Jesus. 

Lord Jesus, thank You that I can build my life on You, the CHIEF CORNERSTONE

One of our key verses today is Acts 4:11. To watch Debbie’s full teaching on Acts 4, click HERE. Download the free accompanying listening guide, by clicking HERE


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Are We or Aren’t We


God continues to spread the Word and love of Jesus!. If you haven’t liked our Ministry Page, please do HERE. Why? Because every time you LIKE and share these devotionals, you help us reach people for Christ. 

If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work well, what would you say? Are you successful because you’re a hard worker?  Are you successful because you’re conscientious? Or, perhaps a good listener?  It’s an important question. A more important question, though, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, friendships work to the glory of God? Why is that an important question? Because if we are a Christian, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that everything we do is to be to the glory of God.

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Acts 4:11 reinforces this fact by saying Jesus is the stone that was rejected, but who became the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.” In other words, we’re to build our lives on Christ in such a way that our life brings Him glory. If that’s not happening, we can begin today. We can draw closer to Jesus.

JESUS, You are the Chief Cornerstone on whom we’re to build our lives and glorify You. Help us consider if we’re doing that and if not, how we can. 

DEAR FRIENDS, I get a notice when you sign up for “END TIMES: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW, WHAT YOU CAN DO.” I am PRAYING FOR YOU and our time together and would cherish your prayers for me as I continue to write and prepare the teaching videos. It’s going to be a GREAT TIME for us to study together


Are We or Aren’t We


God continues to spread the Word and love of Jesus!. If you haven’t liked our Ministry Page, please do HERE. Why? Because every time you LIKE and share these devotionals, you help us reach people for Christ. 

If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work well, what would you say? Are you successful because you’re a hard worker?  Are you successful because you’re conscientious? Or, perhaps a good listener?  It’s an important question. A more important question, though, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, friendships work to the glory of God? Why is that an important question? Because if we are a Christian, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that everything we do is to be to the glory of God. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  Acts 4:11 reinforces this fact by saying Jesus is the stone that was rejected, but who became the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.” In other words, we’re to build our lives on Christ in such a way that our life brings Him glory. If that’s not happening, we can begin today. We can draw closer to Jesus.

JESUS, You are the Chief Cornerstone on whom we’re to build our lives and glorify You. Help us consider if we’re doing that and if not, how we can. 


Are We or Aren’t We


God continues to spread the Word and love of Jesus!. If you haven’t liked our Ministry Page, please do HERE because every time you LIKE and share these devotionals, you help us reach people for Christ. 

You’re Invited! Join me this Saturday, 9-2. 

If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, friendships “work,” what would you say? Are you successful because you’re a hard worker?  You’re conscientious? You’re a good listener?  It’s an important question. A more important question, though, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, friendships work to the glory of God? Why is that an important question? Because if we are a Christian, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that everything we do is to be to the glory of God. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  Acts 4:11 reinforces this by saying Jesus is the stone that was rejected, but who became the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.” In other words, we’re to build our lives on Christ in such a way that they bring Him glory. If that’s not happening, we can begin drawing closer to Jesus.

JESUS, You are the Chief Cornerstone on whom we’re to build our lives and glorify You. Help us consider if we’re doing that and if not, how we can. 



Are We or Aren’t We


Are we or aren't we?  60 Sec Listen or Read to answer this important question. #BeyondOurselves




 Acts 4:11

Do you ever feel like your life is caving in? Does it seem the world, our nation, homes, and morality are toppling around you? The only way we will find stability is when we build our lives on the level and righteous foundation of Christ. He is the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.

JESUS, You are the CHIEF CORNERSTONE on whom we can build our days and lives. We praise You!
