Choose the Right One to Please

Do you ever feel like you can’t please anyone? Or, can’t please everyone? It’s normal to want to please those we love. However, we’re wise to realize we can’t please everyone just like Jesus didn’t please everyone. So how do we prioritize who we please? We follow Jesus’ example. In John 8:29 He explained for whom He was living and making it His priority to please: His Heavenly Father. “He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.”
If you’re in a quandary about how to live so that you at least please your Heavenly Father, follow Jesus’s lead.
Jesus used Scripture to stand against temptation. We can do that.
Jesus reached out to others in love. We can do that.
Jesus prayed before making decisions. We can do that.
Jesus followed His Father’s leading rather than His own impulses and initiative. We can do that.
There is no one more worthy for us to please than our Heavenly Father, and we can do that.
Heavenly Father, as Jesus was WELL-PLEASING to You, help us please You.
Choose the Right One to Please

Do you ever feel like you can’t please anyone? Or, can’t please everyone? Hi! I’m Debbie Taylor Williams. It’s normal to want to please those we love. However, we’re wise to realize we can’t please everyone just like Jesus didn’t please everyone. So how do we prioritize who we please? We follow Jesus’s example. In John 8:29 He explained for whom He was living and making it His priority to please: His Heavenly Father. “He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.”
If you’re in a quandary about how to live so that you at least please your Heavenly Father, follow Jesus’s lead.
Jesus used Scripture to stand against temptation. We can do that.
Jesus reached out to others in love. We can do that.
Jesus prayed before making decisions. We can do that.
Jesus followed His Father’s leading rather than acting on His own impulses and initiative. We can do that.
There is no one more worthy for us to live to please than our Heavenly Father, and we can do that.
Heavenly Father, as Jesus was well-pleasing to You, help us please You.