
No Room for Christ


Blessings, sweet friends, as we make room for Christ at the beginning of each day.






Debbie Taylor Williams 

Christmas is not the tinsel.

Christmas is not the tree.

Christmas is about God’s love,

His love for you and me.

Christmas is about the season

When in each of our lives

We thank God for our Savior

Who gives to us new life.

A baby born of woman, yet God

A God born of man, yet divine

God gave to the earth a Savior

Peace, eternal, divine.

So if you are seeking heaven

Would you look and seize the Truth

God’s gift of Jesus on earth

Is God’s gift of Peace to you!

Blessings, sweet friends, as we set our hearts on Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams




Blessings, sweet friends, as we celebrate Christ this season and every season.


The Real Christmas Story


Blessings, sweet friends, as we share the real Christmas story with family and friends. And, for those of you not feeling the Christmas Spirit and for those of you who are, check out my new Faith Nugget devotional, “Candy Cane.” Print,  then staple the poem to candy canes so you have a handy way to share the meaning of Christmas with cashiers, friends, or strangers you pass.


Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas


Over the next few weeks, as we approach the celebration of Christ’s birth, I invite you to join me in “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” based on my devotional book by that name.

Blessings, sweet friends, as we prepare our hearts for Christ’s Mass.


We Can’t Wait!


“He’s coming with a sleigh and reindeer.” That’s what some parents tell their children about Santa and kids get excited in anticipation of his arrival. But hey, believers! The real gift-giver from above is coming in the clouds and not with a sleigh and reindeer. Rather, Christ will come with the armies of heaven following Him. (Revelation 19:14) Rather than wearing a human made santa suit, Revelation 19:16 describes Christ’s robe and what is written on it:

on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.’

Christ’s coming isn’t a fairy tale. It’s a fact. It’s incredible and beyond exciting.  As Old Testament believers once looked forward to the day the Messiah would come, believers look forward to the day Jesus will return to earth in glory. How magnificent that will be!

Christ Jesus, LORD OF LORDS, we bow in worship and praise You, King of Kings. 


If You Think You Have Nothing, Think Again



When you were little, did you go on a treasure hunt? Today, do you put your treasured valuables in a safety deposit box? The Bible tells us that believers have a treasure within them. What is the TREASURE? Second Corinthians 4:6-7 explains that the treasure is God’s Holy Spirit. The treasure is the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God shining in our hearts. The treasure we carry about in our earthly bodies is God’s surpassing greatness of power. With humble reverence and boundless gratefulness we bow and worship God for the great gift of His presence in us.

Lord, YOU are the TREASURE men seek and whom we have in our hearts. Help us present You well to others and share with others the surpassing greatness of Your power.  We adore and worship You. 

“GOD… is the One who has SHONE in our HEARTS to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. For we have this TREASURE in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;” 2 Corinthians 4:6-7.

God is a TREASURE. I hope you are recording each daily attribute in Prayers of My Heart. As you do, your journal becomes a treasure of the names, titles, and character traits of God. Your journal becomes a treasure keepsake of how God has and is working in your life and the lives of those for whom you pray. Prayers of My Heart – a meaningful gift for everyone on your Christmas list. Buy now.






Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, sweet friends. I hope your day is filled with the joy that only our sweet Savior can bring. Love, Debbie


The Christmas Tree


Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14

A Christmas tree is often the centerpiece around which Christmas activity occurs. However, this Christmas, as we gather around the evergreen tree to sing carols or open presents, let’s turn our thoughts heavenward to the tree that stands at the centerpiece of our faith – the tree of life that stood in the Garden of Eden, the tree of life on which Jesus was crucified to secure our eternal salvation, the tree of life we will see in the New Jerusalem.

5 DAYS til CHRISTMAS!  Give a gift that will keep giving all year long. Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL – a place to  renew thoughts, develop gratitude, record God’s answers to prayers, and record what God places on your heart. Get it on Amazon. Get it HERE




Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams

You are the light of the world.  Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.  Matthew 7:14, 16

Ornaments decorate Christmas trees and reflect the lights on trees. As we observe them hanging on the branches and reflecting the lights, they are a reminder of the need for us to hang close to Jesus so we reflect His light. Ornaments also reflect the personality of the one who bought them. Likewise, Christians who hang close to Jesus reflect His personality – His love, joy, peace, and kindness. When I was a child we would sometimes bring the box of tree ornaments into the family room but not take the time to hang them on the tree for several days.  Wrapped and cushioned they remained in the box, not adorning the tree, not reflecting the tree lights, not showing forth the personality of the one who had purchased them.  May that not be said of us, sweet friends. Rather, may we each hang close to Jesus so we reflect His light and personality.

LOOKING for a LAST MINUTE GIFT?  Here it is: Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL to kick off 2021 with new thoughts, new optimism, fresh prayers, a place to record God’s answers, verses to memorize and encourage. Get it on Amazon. Get it from me
