Christ's Spirit
Come Back to God

“Look at the deer. Oh no. There goes Katie! Needless to say, my husband and I called for our lab as she chased the deer. It’s her nature to chase them. We understand that. Then what’s the problem? We bought Katie to be with us, not run away. As we continued to call, we spotted Katie, tongue hanging, running back to us. Thinking about Katie chasing the deer, I realized how much my nature is like hers; that too often I follow my natural instincts. Yet, the Lord who bought me, calls me to Himself. Where are you today in relation to God? Are you running from or to Him? Following your natural instincts or walking by Christ’s Spirit? If you’re running away or have wandered away, turn back. Begin each day with my free devotional, 365 Days of Praise.
Are You Spiritually Dry

Have you ever tried to get something to work to no avail? Recently, I experienced that while trying to get an old Palm Printer to work. I did various things to get it to print and finally decided the roller must be out of ink. However, when I took it out to replace it, I noticed ink all over my fingers. The problem wasn’t a lack of ink. The problem was it was dry due to lack of use. You know, sometimes we can become spiritually dry due to a lack of reading our Bible and praying. What can we do if that happens? We can go to Christ who describes His Spirit in John 7:37-39 as living water that flows in believers. If you’re a Christian, but feel spiritually dry, go to Jesus. Repent of sin that may be blocking the flow of Christ’s Spirit in you. Ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit. Pour over the words of the Bible and let them pour through you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the flow of Your Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Fill us with a fresh supply of Your presence so when we’re squeezed, You come out.
Examine Yourself

Are you ever blind to something about yourself that others see? The other day after speaking at a luncheon, I got in my car and glanced in the mirror to check my hair. When I did, I noticed I had spinach in my teeth. I immediately winced and wondered why someone hadn’t told me. Of course, we’re ultimately responsible for ourselves. That’s why 2 Corinthians 13:5 is a good word regarding something much more important than our external appearance. It says, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” We’re told to see if Christ’s Spirit is in us. In other words, just as we check our external appearance, we’re to check our internal. If you’re not sure Christ’s Spirit is in you or would like to know how to receive Christ’s Spirit, visit Meet Jesus.