Close to the Brokenhearted
Thank You, Lord, for Being Close to Us When We’re Brokenhearted

Have you or are you currently experiencing heartbreak? Perhaps your loved one is deceased, cheated on you, or you’ve experienced a different type of tragedy. Maybe you’ve experienced deep loneliness, depression, or you’re feeling crushed in spirit.
Our Heavenly Father knows there are times in our life like that, which is precisely why He wants us to know that we are not alone and He is close. As Psalm 34:18 tells us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Yes, even when there is no one in our life who is close or who can comfort us when we are broken hearted or crushed in spirit, our Lord is close and can save us.
Our Heavenly Father has sent a loud and clear message that far outweighs any human expression. “I love you,” our Heavenly Father repeatedly says to us, with Jesus echoing His love and expressing it by sacrificing His life for us. Receive the Lord’s love and comfort today.
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and being CLOSE TO THE BROKENHEARTED.
Are you facing disappointment or struggling with unmet expectations? Get a copy of The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World to discover how to take charge of your thoughts and let God reignite your hopes and dreams.
Thank you, Lord, for being CLOSE TO Us when we’re BROKENHEARTED

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day marked by exchanges of tokens of love. But what if you wake up alone? What if your loved one is deceased? What if your loved one cheated on you? What if you’ve never had someone love you? What if you’re not only alone but you’re crushed in spirit? I find it amazing that the Bible is the most honest book we”ll ever read. Our Heavenly Father knows there will be times in our life like that, which is precisely why He wants us to know that even if we’re alone, He’s close. Even if there is no one to save or lift our crushed spirit, HE CAN. Our Heavenly Father is sending a loud and clear Valentine message to you that He loves you. There is nothing we have done or will do and there is no place we can go that He isn’t present. “I LOVE YOU. I’M HERE,” our Heavenly Father calls to us, with Jesus echoing His love by laying down His life for us so we can live eternally with them.
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for loving us and being close to us.
“The Lord is CLOSE to the BROKENHEARTED and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
More than ever before, I am convinced of God’s eternal love and plan as I delve into our study, End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do. Join me! You’ll be so glad you did. Even if you’re in another study and don’t have time right now to do the study, go ahead and register so I’ll know to email it to you. Then you’ll have it for when you’re ready. It’s FREE! Sign up HERE.
Thank you, Lord, for being CLOSE TO Us when we’re BROKENHEARTED

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day marked by exchanges of tokens of love. But what if you wake up alone? What if your loved one is deceased? What if your loved one cheated on you? What if you’ve never had someone love you? What if you’re not only alone, but you’re crushed in spirit? I find it amazing that the Bible is the most honest book we”ll ever read. Our Heavenly Father “gets it” that there will be times in our life like that, which is precisely why He wants us to know that even if we’re alone, He’s close. Even if there is no one to save or lift our crushed spirit, HE CAN. Our Heavenly Father is sending a loud and clear Valentine message that He loves us. There is nothing we have done or will do and there is no place we can go that He isn’t present. “I LOVE YOU. I’M HERE,” our Heavenly Father calls to us, with Jesus echoing, “Me, too!”
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for loving us and being close to us.
“The Lord is CLOSE to the BROKENHEARTED and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
Thank you, Lord, for being CLOSE TO Us when we’re BROKENHEARTED
“The Lord is CLOSE to the BROKENHEARTED and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Today is Valentine’s Day; a day marked by exchanges of tokens of love. But what if you wake up alone? What if your loved one is deceased? What if your loved one cheated on you? What if you’ve never had someone love you? What if you’re not only alone, but you’re crushed in spirit? I find it amazing that the Bible is the most honest book we”ll ever read. Our Heavenly Father “gets it” that there will be times in our life like that; which is precisely why He wants us to know that even if we’re alone, He’s close. Even if there is no one to save or lift our crushed spirit, HE CAN. Our Heavenly Father is sending a loud and clear Valentine message that He loves us. There is nothing we have done or will do; there is no place we can go that He isn’t present. “I LOVE YOU. I’M HERE,” our Heavenly Father calls; with Jesus echoing, “Me, too!”
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for loving us and being close to us.
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Psalm 34:18
Is your heart breaking today because someone has died? Is your spirit crushed because your spouse has withdrawn their love or left you for another person? Is your heart breaking because of something you’ve done and you can’t go back and make it right? Is your spirit crushed because of your child? God wants you to know that He sees your sorrows. You are not alone or without hope. He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
JESUS, Thank You for being NEAR to me when my HEART IS BREAKING. I worship and adore You!