Colossians 2:12
“having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
WHO ARE YOU? I hope you answered with the many ways we’ve studied since January. WHO AM I? I’m a person who has been buried and raised up with Christ. I’m not the same person who was born into this world. The old me is dead. My sins went to the grave with Christ. When God raised Christ, He raised me to walk in newness of life. When you contemplate the Easter season and final days of Christ, of Him heading to Jerusalem to carry the cross and die; it is your walk He is walking. He is doing the heavy, hard work for us. He is taking our place so we can be raised to new life.
Heavenly Father, in Christ’s death, I died. But You didn’t leave me in the grave. You miraculously raised Christ and me. Help me live ever mindful of my resurrected life.
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