Luke 4:18-19
It makes me smile to read Christ’s words. Why? He had just returned from being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. He was being led by the Spirit in the power of the Spirit.” (Lk 4:14) What was His first messianic, Spirit anointed action? He went home. To Nazareth, where He had been brought up. I love that! And get this – “as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.” Friends, this is a good place for us to pause and ask ourselves: Is it our custom to gather with others each week to read and hear the Scripture? Are we raising our children with the custom of gathering weekly with other believers? If it was what God’s ANOINTED did, I want to follow His example. I wouldn’t have wanted to have missed hearing Him speak that day, nor do I want to miss hearing Him speak today.
Jesus, I praise You, ANOINTED Lord and Savior, for Your words and for modeling the Spirit-led life!