Devil's Temptations
When You Need a Rallying Point

Do you ever feel like the world, your flesh, or the devil are bearing down on you and you need a rallying point where you can find victory over your fallen nature and temptation? If so, remember how Moses looked to the Lord as his rallying point.
When Moses held high the banner of the Lord, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. They fought in God’s name and strength, not their own. So significant was the Lord’s presence and reason for their victory that Exodus 17:15 says, “Moses built an altar and named it, ‘The LORD is My Banner.’”
God is just as present to help us as He was to help Moses. The Lord is our banner. When we lift His name high in prayer and look to Him for strength, we find victory over our sinful nature and the enemy. We fight strength to stand against worldly influences that are counter to Christ and His ways.
The next time temptation or your old nature starts to get the best of you, lift high the Lord’s name: Victorious Warrior. Prince of Peace. Faithful. Guardian of My Soul. Praise the Lord as Moses did and continue to praise Him throughout the day.
Lord, I praise You and lift high the BANNER OF YOUR NAME – victorious One.
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When You Need a Rallying Point

Do you ever feel like the world, your flesh or the devil are bearing down on you and you need a rallying point where you can find victory over your fallen nature and temptation? Moses discovered that the Lord was his rallying point. When he held high the BANNER OF THE LORD, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. They fought in God’s name and strength, not their own. The same holds true for us. The LORD IS OUR BANNER. When we lift His name high in prayer and look to Him for strength, we find victory over our sinful nature and the enemy. The next time temptation or your old nature starts to get the best of you, look to the heavens. Lift high the LORD’s name: Victorious Warrior, Prince of Peace. Faithful. Guardian of Your Soul. Build an altar of praise to the Lord as Moses did.
Moses built an altar and named it ‘The Lord is My Banner,’ Exodus 17:15.
Return to the altar of praise throughout the day and give God praise.
LORD, we praise You and lift high the BANNER of YOUR NAME – victorious One.
When Things Are Bearing Down On You

Do you ever feel like the world, your flesh or the devil are bearing down on you and you need a rallying point where you can find victory over your fallen nature and temptation? Moses discovered that the Lord was his rallying point. When he held high the BANNER OF THE LORD, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. They fought in God’s name and strength, not their own. The same holds true for us. The LORD IS OUR BANNER. When we lift His name high in prayer and look to Him for strength, we find victory over our sinful nature and the enemy. The next time temptation or your old nature is getting the best of you, look to the heavens. Lift high the LORD’s name: Victorious Warrior, Prince of Peace. Faithful. Provider. Wisdom. Build an altar of praise to the Lord as Moses did. “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is My Banner.” (Exodus 17:15) Return to the altar of praise throughout the day to meet your needs and encourage your heart.
LORD, we praise You and lift high the BANNER of YOUR NAME – victorious over our flesh and the enemy.
When Things Are Bearing Down On You

Do you ever feel like the world, your flesh, or the devil are bearing down on you and you need a rallying point where you can find victory over your fallen nature and temptation? Moses discovered that the Lord was his rallying point. When he held high the BANNER OF THE LORD, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. They fought in God’s name and strength, not their own. The same holds true for us. The LORD IS OUR BANNER. When we lift His name high in prayer and look to Him for strength, we find victory over our sin nature and the enemy. The next time temptation or your old nature is getting the best of you, look to the heavens. Lift high the LORD’s name: Victorious Warrior, Prince of Peace. Faithful. Provider. Wisdom. Build an altar of praise to the Lord as Moses did. “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is My Banner.” (Exodus 17:15) Return to the altar of praise daily to meet your needs.
LORD, we praise You and lift high the BANNER of YOUR NAME over our flesh and the devil.
Praise to the Lord My Banner
“Moses built an altar and named it The LORD is My Banner” (Exodus 17:15).
Do you need a rallying point: some place you can go to find victory over your old nature and the devil’s temptations? Moses discovered that the Lord was his rallying point. When he held high the Banner of the Lord, the Israelites were victorious over their enemies. They fought in God’s name and strength, not their own. The same holds true for us. The Lord is our Banner. When we lift His name high in prayer and look to His strength, we find victory over our sin nature and the enemy.
LORD MY BANNER, we praise You and lift high Your name over our flesh and the devil.