Discovering His Passion
Pray to be Open Lipped

Which are you? Tight-lipped or open-lipped? In other words, are you reluctant to speak and don’t reveal much about what’s going on inside of you? Or, are you more open-lipped and let what you’re thinking and feeling readily come forth? No doubt James 1:19 tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak when we’re angry. But what about in relation to praising God? In this case, we are to be like the psalmist, who prayed in Psalm 51:15:
“O LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
Are we grateful? Are our hearts flooded with God’s goodness? I hope so. Even when there seems to be nothing for which we can praise Him, we can open our lips and praise Him for His presence with us, His provision for us, and His purposes He will bring forth.
Develop a mindset of gratefulness. Fill your heart with praise. Open your mouth and let your praise flow to God. Pray, “LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
Lord, thank You for who You are and for all the incredible ways You have worked in our lives, are working, and will work. You are worthy of our praise day and night. OPEN OUR LIPS so we declare Your praise.
Download this free printable of the attributes of Jesus from the book of John. As you read through them, praise God for each one!
Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Have you heard people say they are “fed up” with the news or that they can’t “stomach” another …..whatever.
That’s where Christ followers can come in and be what 2 Timothy 2:21 describes as vessels of Christ. “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
Yes, as Christ’s vessel, we can be intentional about making sure we are a clean vessel God can use by confessing and repenting of any sin in our life. As a cleansed vessel, we can be useful to the Lord, to pour out His goodness on others.
How can we be a vessel of God’s goodness? What can we do?
We can dish out Christ’s love in big hooping scoops.
We can pour out His kindness to those who are going through a hard time.
We can serve His Word to people who are deceived and offer them the way to salvation in Christ.
Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”
God is good. Will you be intentional about being a cleansed vessel who the Lord can use to serve His goodness to those who desperately need Him?
LORD, You are GOOD. Use us as Your vessels to pour forth Your goodness, love, kindness, and truth to others.
You can be a vessel of God’s goodness today by sharing this blog post with someone who may need encouragement or someone who doesn’t know the Lord. Share by clicking on the social media icons, below, or by using the “Forward to a Friend” email button.
Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Many today would say, “yes.” Many are going through life with a “bad taste” in their mouth. They’re “fed up” with the news. They can’t “stomach” another …..whatever. That’s where followers of Christ come in. Second Timothy 2:21 describes believers as vessels. As Christ’s vessel, we have the opportunity to “serve” the Lord’s love and Word to those who are spiritually hungry. Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Many are starving for some good in their lives. Will you serve Christ’s goodness, mercy, and love to them? If you’re not sure how, Discovering His Passion will show you how Christ engaged people in spiritual conversations and how you can, too. Believe – Know Jesus as Savior is a link you can share in an email or text. God is GOOD. Let’s share the good news of His GOODNESS with others.
LORD, You are GOOD! Help us be available vessels who share Your WORD and LOVE with others.
Am I Good Enough

Have you ever wanted to approach someone to visit or discuss an issue, or maybe just to be near them, but felt the person was unapproachable? Maybe you felt you weren’t good enough. Isn’t it incredible that our approaching God has nothing to do with our goodness? As a matter of fact, we’re not good enough to approach Holy God. So how can we get to Him? Psalm 65:4 NKJV explains. “
Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.
Our Heavenly Father is APPROACHABLE not because we’re good, but rather because Jesus opened the way for us to enter His presence through Christ. GOD. APPROACHABLE. Grace. Learn more HERE.
LORD, thank You for being an APPROACHABLE GOD to whom we can come through Christ’s cleansing blood.
DISCOVERING HIS PASSION – Care about others. Share with them the good news of God’s grace. This study guide will prepare you.
Do We Have Enough Holy Reverence

“Hey, Buddy.” We’re often quite chummy with people, even if while social distancing or on the phone. Some parents even call their children, “buddy.” We love to quote Matthew 11:19 that Jesus was a “friend of sinners.” But let’s not forget that the “friend of sinners” is gloriously exalted and seated at the right hand of God. Prayerfully visualize Daniel 7:9-10.
I kept looking
Until thrones were set up,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat;
His vesture was like white snow
And the hair of His head like pure wool.
His throne was ablaze with flames,
Its wheels were a burning fire.
A river of fire was flowing
And coming out from before Him;
Thousands upon thousands were attending Him,
And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him;
The court sat,
And the books were opened.
And were presented before Him.”
The Son of Man may be our friend and God our Abba Father, but based on Scripture, a casual “buddy” reverence isn’t how I visualize our relationship with God. Our Lord is the all powerful, holy, Ancient of Days. Are we daily worshipping Him? Are we sharing Him with others? Are we ready for His return?
ANCIENT of DAYS, glorious One, forgive us when we don’t show You holy reverence. Help us live more for You and less for ourselves. Use us to witness to others about Your saving grace.
Prayers of My Heart character trait to record: Ancient of Days.
Pray to be Open Lipped

Which are you? Tight lipped or open lipped? In other words, are you reluctant to speak and don’t reveal much about what’s going on inside of you? Or, are you more open lipped and let what you’re thinking and feeling readily come forth? No doubt James 1:19 tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak when we’re angry. But what about in relation to praising God? In this case we are to be like the psalmist, who prayed in Psalm 51:15:
O LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
Are we grateful? Are our hearts flooded with God’s goodness? I hope so. Even when there seems to be nothing for which we can praise Him, we can open our lips and praise Him for His presence with us, His provision for us, and His purposes He will bring forth.
Develop a mindset of gratefulness. Fill your heart with praise. Open your mouth and let your praise flow to God. Pray, “LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
LORD, thank You for who You are and for all the incredible ways You have worked in our lives, are working, and will work. You are worthy of our praise day and night. OPEN OUR LIPS so we declare Your praise.
Record your daily praises in Prayers of My Heart journal.
Do you want to praise God, but don’t know how? If so, HERE’s help.
Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Many today would say, “yes.” Many are going through life with a “bad taste” in their mouth. They’re “fed up” with the news. They can’t “stomach” another …..whatever. That’s where followers of Christ come in. Second Timothy 2:21 describes believers as vessels. As Christ’s vessel we have the opportunity to “serve” the Lord’s love and Word to those who are spiritually hungry. Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Many are starving for some good in their lives. Will you serve Christ’s goodness, mercy, and love to them? If you’re not sure how, Discovering His Passion will show you how Christ engaged people in spiritual conversations and how you can, too. Believe – Know Jesus as Savior is a link you can share in an email or text. God is GOOD. Let’s share the good news of His GOODNESS with others.
LORD, You are GOOD! Help us be available vessels who share Your WORD and LOVE with others.
Hey Buddy, Do We Have Enough Holy Reverence

“Hey Buddy.” We’re often quite chummy with people, even if while social distancing or on the phone. Some parents even call their children, “buddy.” We love to quote Matthew 11:19 that Jesus was a “friend of sinners.” But, let’s not forget that the “friend of sinners” is now gloriously exalted and seated at the right hand of God. Prayerfully visualize Daniel 7:9-10.
“I kept looking
Until thrones were set up,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat;
His vesture was like white snow
And the hair of His head like pure wool.
His throne was ablaze with flames,
Its wheels were a burning fire.
A river of fire was flowing
And coming out from before Him;
Thousands upon thousands were attending Him,
And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him;
The court sat,
And the books were opened.
And were presented before Him.”
The Son of Man may be our friend and God our Abba Father, but based on Scripture, “buddy” isn’t how God is portrayed. Do we have enough holy reverence for the Ancient of Days? Are we mindfully sharing the path into His presence with others? If you would like to learn how to share Jesus with gentle boldness, get a copy of Discovering His Passion. Be more than concerned for other’s salvation. Be ready to lead them to salvation through faith in Christ. Luke 19:10
ANCIENT of DAYS, glorious One, holy Heavenly Father, forgive us when we act like You’re an earthly buddy. Quicken our hearts to tell others about You.
Good News for People with a Bad Taste In Their Mouth

Have you ever had a “bad taste in your mouth” after experiencing something unpleasant? Many today would say, “yes.” Many are going through life with a “bad taste” in their mouth. They’re “fed up” with the news. They can’t “stomach” another …..whatever. That’s where followers of Christ come in. Second Timothy 2:21 describes believers as vessels. As Christ’s vessel, we have the opportunity to “serve” the Lord’s love and Word to those who are spiritually hungry. Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Many are starving for some good in their lives. Will you serve Christ’s goodness, mercy, and love to them? If you’re not sure how, Discovering His Passion will show you how Christ engaged people in spiritual conversations and how you can, too. Believe – Know Jesus as Savior is a link you can share in an email or text. God is GOOD. Let’s share the good news of His GOODNESS with others.
LORD, You are GOOD! Help us be ready vessels to share Your WORD and LOVE with others.
Am I Good Enough

Have you ever wanted to approach someone to visit or discuss an issue, or maybe just to be near them, but felt the person was unapproachable? Maybe you felt you weren’t good enough. Isn’t it incredible that our approaching God has nothing to do with our goodness? As a matter of fact, we’re not good enough to approach Holy God. Then, how do we get to Him? Psalm 65:4 NKJV explains. “Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to APPROACH You, that he may dwell in Your courts.” Our Heavenly Father is APPROACHABLE not because we’re good, but rather because Jesus opened the way for us to enter into His presence through Christ’s righteousness. GOD. APPROACHABLE. Grace. Learn more HERE.
LORD, thank You for being an APPROACHABLE GOD to whom we can come through the righteous blood of Christ.
DISCOVERING HIS PASSION – Care about others. Share with them the good news of God’s grace. This study guide will prepare you.