Double Jeopardy
Double Jeopardy

You missed it last week? A quick repost from “Spinning Out of Control.”

Now, today’s post:
Are you familiar with the legal term “double jeopardy”? It means that a person can’t be tried for the same crime two times. In God’s system it means the same, which is an incredible blessing. Jesus was tried for all the sins we’ve committed and will commit. God has promised to not try us for our sins that Jesus has already been convicted of and paid the debt. And as if that weren’t enough of a huge eternal blessing, there’s more. Hebrews 2:17 explains that after Jesus died for our sins, He entered into God’s presence and became our High Priest. The resurrected Christ is seated at God’s right hand. What is He doing? Praying for us. Go to Him in gratitude. Live for Him in joy.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our Lord and high PRIEST! Thank You for taking our place at the judgment seat and dying for our sins. How can we serve You?
“Therefore, He (Jesus) had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high PRIEST in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17
Double Jeopardy

Are you familiar with the legal term “double jeopardy”? It means that a person can’t be tried for the same crime two times. In God’s system, it means the same which is an incredible blessing. Jesus was tried for all the sins we’ve ever committed and will commit. God has promised to not try us for our sins that Jesus has already been convicted of and paid the debt. As if that’s not enough of a huge eternal blessing, there’s more! Hebrews 2:17 explains that after Jesus died for our sins, He entered into God’s presence and became our High Priest. The resurrected Christ is seated at God’s right hand praying for us. Go to Him in gratitude. Live for Him in joy.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our Lord and high PRIEST! Thank You for taking our place at the judgment seat and dying for our sins. How can we serve You?
“Therefore, He (Jesus) had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high PRIEST in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17
Double Jeopardy

HAPPENING NOW: WV P.R.A.Y. with Passion Across the Nation Conf. THANK YOU for your PRAYERS!
Have you heard of the legal term “double jeopardy”? In our legal system it means that a person can’t be tried for the same crime two times. In God’s system, it means the same; which is an incredible blessing. Jesus was tried for all the sins we’ve ever committed and will commit. God has promised to not try us for our sins that Jesus has already been convicted of and paid the debt. As if that’s not enough of a huge eternal blessing and relief, there’s more! Hebrews 2:17 explains that after Jesus took our place and died for our sins, He assumed the role of High Priest and entered into God’s presence to offer His blood as the sacrifice for our sin. Jesus demonstrated the greatest of mercy when He took our place at the judgement seat and was convicted for our crimes. We can’t be tried again for our sins because Jesus was tried for them, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Resurrected, He sits as God’s right hand praying for us. Run to Him in gratitude. Live for Him in joy.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our Lord and high PRIEST! Thank You for taking our place at the judgement seat and dying for our sins. How can we serve You?
“Therefore, He (Jesus) had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high PRIEST in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.”
Double Jeopardy
Have you heard of the legal term “double jeopardy”? In our legal system it means that a person can’t be tried for the same crime two times. In God’s system, it means the same; which is an incredible blessing. Jesus was tried for all the sins we’ve ever committed and will commit. God has promised to not try us for sins Jesus has already been convicted of and paid for when we repent of them and confess Jesus as Lord. There’s more. Hebrews 2:17 explains that after Jesus took our place and died for our sins, He then assumed the role of High Priest and entered into God’s presence to offer His blood as the sacrifice for our sin. Jesus demonstrated the greatest of mercy when He took our place at the judgement seat and was convicted for our crimes. We can’t be tried again for our sins because Jesus was tried for them, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Resurrected, He sits as God’s right hand. Run to Him in gratitude.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our Lord and high PRIEST! Thank You for taking our place at the judgement seat and dying for our sins. How can we serve You?
“Therefore, He (Jesus) had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high PRIEST in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.”