Ephesians 2:10
While He’s Away

Jesus told a parable in Luke 19:11-22 portraying Himself as a nobleman who went to a distant country to receive a kingdom for Himself and then returns.
Before He departed, He gave talents to His servants so they could carry on His business while He was away.
Two of the servants took seriously what He entrusted them to do.
When the nobleman returned, he honored them and entrusted more to them. But he called the servant who didn’t do anything with the talent He had given him, “worthless” (Luke 19:22).
Let’s break this down.
Jesus is the nobleman. At salvation, He entrusts a spiritual gift to every believer so we can do His work on earth while He is in heaven. We are either faithfully doing the good works He’s prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) or we’re being unfaithful to Him.
What has Jesus called you to do? How faithfully are you doing His work while He is away?
Jesus Christ, heaven’s NOBLEMAN, stir my heart to serve You faithfully and fully.
Discover the joy of praying more purposefully and living passionately for Christ as He equips you to do His work on earth. Get a copy of Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion HERE. The book can be used as a personal study or a 10-week group study.
Loose My Bonds

Have you ever felt “tied up” spiritually, physically, or emotionally? Like you couldn’t get free and to a place in your life you desired? Or, are you concerned for a loved one who is in physical, emotional, or spiritual bondage? If so, call on the name of the Lord on the basis of Psalm 116:16 which says,
O Lord, surely I am Your servant, …You have loosed my bonds.
This verse (and the whole chapter) reminds us that when we call on the name of the Lord, He can do what no one else can do. He has already loosed us from the bonds of death and given us eternal freedom. So why wouldn’t the Lord desire for us to be free from anything that binds us on earth? “Unbind him and let him go,” Jesus directed those who watched Him raise Lazarus from the dead. If there is an area where you’re seeking freedom in your life so you can run the race God has set before you (Ephesians 2:10), then know the Lord is on your side and wants to help you. Read Psalm 116. Notice how many times the psalmist tells us what he did in order to be free. Will you call on the name of the Lord, knowing that His name indicates His full power and provision for you?
Lord, You are the great and mighty God who LOOSENS BONDS. We praise You for the bonds of death from which You’ve set us free. We call on You now to loosen emotional, spiritual, or physical bonds that hinder us from running the race You’ve set before us. We call on You trusting in Your all powerful name.
Have you registered for the Jude Bible study that starts on July 10th? If not, there’s still time! Click HERE for more information and to register.
If you’re not local but would still like to complete the study online, free videos and podcasts will be added under “Bible Studies” on the website. You can also purchase a printed copy of the study in the website store.
The Pew

I’d never looked at the pew before…really looked. However, a few days ago, I found myself studying an antique pew my husband and I’d bought years ago. I wondered if the craftsman had been a Christian who lovingly carved the pew or a hired hand who begrudgingly completed his day’s work? And, what about us? What is our story about our day’s work? Is it that we go about our day mindful of our calling by God? Or do we forget that Christ who saved us as Ephesians 2:10 tells us has placed us on earth to accomplish good works He’s prepared for us to do? To the degree we are mindful of our calling we are able to maintain a peaceful heart and persevering spirit. Learn “How to Live by the Divine Nature” of God so the story of your life will be one of a Christian who walked mindful of their upward calling.
“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,“
“I am God’s workmanship.” Say it to yourself. Be humbled by it. But He not only created us as human beings; He recreated us in Christ Jesus. In other words, He made us anew. The word “created” in verse 10 means “to form, shape, to completely change or transform.”* That means we have a new start in Christ Jesus. And with our new start, come new works – good works. Maybe we look at our past and think of the times we’ve blown it. But our past is just that – past. After we’ve repented of our “bad works,” God calls us to today and to the good works for which He created us. I’m walking as His workmanship today. So are you.
Heavenly Father, what a delight to start over every day and to know that Your mercies and compassion are fresh every morning. Teach us how to walk as Your workmanship.
“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.“
I’m sitting in Room 804 of a hotel in Ft Worth, Texas. As I look out the window, I wonder, “What does God want of me today?” Then, I realize I already have the answer. He wants me to walk in the good works He has prepared for me. What are those good works? I don’t know the details yet. But, I know my walk must begin with a prayer, “Fill me with Your Spirit so that I walk by Your Spirit today.” I know my walk will involve choosing to be selfless. It will involve turning from temptation. It will demand I purposefully yield my will to His leading. It is a moment by moment walk. And, at the end of the day, I will look back and see the good works that God prepared for me to walk in. I’ll also see some mis-steps. No doubt, I’ll have to confess mud puddles of sin into which I walked when I wasn’t paying attention. But, it will be a walk on which Jesus is ever present; patiently whispering my name to guide me back on path.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the good works You prepared in which I am to walk. Forgive me when I stray. Quicken me to be increasingly sensitive to Your promptings and the good works You’ve prepared for me to do.