Ephesians 5:18

Bite, Chew, Graze



Are you hungry? Is there a gnawing in you? Do you feel that something is missing? That no matter what you do, purchase, or where you go, you still yearn for more? Do you try to fill the emptiness but it’s still there? If so, maybe it’s your spirit that is hungry.  The answer isn’t more food, clothes, or money. The answer is found in Ephesians 5:18, to fill our spirit with the Holy Spirit of Jesus who John 6:48 describes as the BREAD of LIFE.  Jesus is to the soul, what a whopping delicious meal is to our body. Begin the day with bite size Bible verses.  Chew on them throughout the day. At night, graze on the promises of Christ. Go to sleep with your spirit fully satisfied in Christ.

Lord Jesus, we praise You, BREAD OF LIFE! Thank You for turning our yearning into satisfaction as we meditate on You.


Praise to Jesus, HEAD OF THE BODY, the CHURCH


He (Christ) is also HEAD OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH;”

Colossians 1:18

Christ is the founder of the church: the body of believers. Therefore, Christ is the rightful HEAD.  And, as a body is lifeless without its head, so our churches are lifeless apart from Christ. We may serve in our church, but if we serve in our own strength, it’s just that – “ours.” What Christ seeks are people like Steven, a disciple in the early church. His job was to serve food to the widows. That might seem like an insignificant task that anybody could do. But listen to whom was sought for the assignment: men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom. (Acts 6:3) Acts 6-7 is a good reminder of how God uses Christians who are filled with the Spirit. Thank you for your service in the church. Be encouraged that as you prayerfully ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, He’ll use you to His glory.

Lord Jesus, we praise You, HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Fill us with Your Spirit and wisdom so our words and actions are done in Your power and strength; for Your glory. 


Frost Yourself


“Frost yourself” is the marketing slogan in

the chick flick movie “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days.”  Actor Matthew McConaughey, who plays an advertising executive, kicks off a campaign with a party; during which women are encouraged to cover, or frost, their ears, necks, fingers, and wrists with diamonds. Dripping with diamonds might look pretty, but even with diamonds draped around actress Kate Hudson’s neck, she still had problems....