Ephesians 6:10-18
Are We Forgetting Something this Christmas?

It was a sweltering day, a hurried arrival at the hotel, and a quick change of clothes before our host driver would pick up my daughter and me to take us to Pam Kanaly’s Arise Conference. I would be presenting Kidz Time Devotional for moms to use to teach their children God’s Word. Lauren and I rushed as we changed out of our travel clothes. Slipping on a long tunic and my shoes, I announced, “Okay, let’s go!” Lauren looked at me and in an unusual tone of voice asked, “Are we forgetting something?” Seated, I looked up into her questioning eyes and replied no. “Mom,” she countered, glancing at my legs. “Your pants?” Now before you judge me too harshly, I have to say in my defense that the top I was wearing was almost down to my knees. Did I mention we were rushing to get out the door?
When It’s Not a Good Laugh
Lauren and I had a good laugh as I slid on my legging pants. I still chuckle when I think about it. But, there is something God tells us to put on that is no laughing matter and it’s important that we remember it this Christmas season. What is it and why is it important?
What Must We Remember?
During the Christmas season, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of shopping, baking and decorating. Anxiety levels can rise with additions to our already full to-do list. That’s why it is good to remember that Jesus came to rescue us from the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13) and that Satan fought Jesus every step of the way even before he was born. Christmas is about Christ’s birth, but it’s about more – the reason for His birth – to win the victory over sin, death, and Satan in order to secure our eternal salvation.
This Christmas season it’s important for us to remember that the enemy Christ was born to defeat still roams the earth. (1 Peter 5:8) We are in an ongoing battle against what Ephesians 6:12 describes as world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness.
Is the Battle Real?
The Bible records Satan tempting Jesus, influencing Peter’s thoughts and words, and entering into Judas, who betrayed Jesus. Yes, the battle between God and Satan is real. We see Satan’s hand in murders, mutilations, horrendous abuse, self-destructive cutting, addictions, lying, gross immorality, degrading behaviors. The good news is that Satan can’t enter into a believer. However, he can tempt and influence believers. That is why this Christmas season we must be diligent to put on the armor God has provided for us. Just as it’s our responsibility to put on our physical clothing and we wouldn’t dare walk about naked, it is our responsibility to put on God’s armor so we’re not naked targets for Satan.
Let’s Get Dressed (Ephesians 6:10-18)
First, we need to reach for the belt of truth. Why? It is central to everything. How can we stand against Satan’s schemes if we don’t know the truth from a lie? We can shop for truths to put on by reading our Bible every day.
Second, we need to cover our chest because our heart is vulnerable to sin. Mindfully contemplate the gift of Christ’s righteousness as you cover your heart with His breastplate.
If you’ve ever run out the door without shoes, you know the pain of sharp rocks and stickers. Hopping around on one foot is no fun plus it is debilitating. Take a moment every morning to strap on Christ’s gospel of peace. Walk in peace this Christmas, sure-footed against Satan’s schemes, sharing God’s grace with others.
Something we don’t wear but need to have in our hand like a fireman needs a fire extinguisher is the shield of faith so we can extinguish what the Bible describes as “flaming arrows of the evil one.” Yes, the evil one aims arrows lit from hell at us. Don’t believe it? Look at loved ones and friends burning in anger, lit with depression, fuming with bitterness. This is real, friends. The same Bible that says Jesus was born of a virgin to die for our sins is the same Bible that says we need to put on the full armor of God to resist the devil.
Two last items: the helmet of salvation. Every morning it is important to mindfully remember that Jesus was born and “saved us not on the basis of deeds we have done, but according to His mercy, …, “ Titus 3:5. This can’t help but put a smile on our faces. Lastly, take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, in your hand. A Bible wielding Spirit-filled Christian is a tougher target than a Christian with no sword. Plus, you will be a blessing to others this Christmas instead of a stressed-out Christian.
Have We Forgotten Something this Christmas
It’s easy in the midst of the Christmas season to forget that a spiritual battle ensues. Let’s cautiously, wisely armor up every day. It’s no laughing matter.
Heavenly Father, thank You for showing us what You see in the spiritual realm that our eyes can’t see. Thank You for telling us what we need to do to stand against evil and for providing us with Your spiritual armor. Please help us get in the habit of daily “armoring up” so we represent You well not only this Christmas season but every day.

“Are you wearing a mask when you go to the store,” a friend asked. I quickly replied yes. “Whew,” she responded. I’m not sure what her response would’ve been if I’d said no, but she seemed relieved. Wearing a face mask is a government recommendation to help stop the spread of a physical virus. But, are you aware of God’s spiritual mandate to stop the spread of sin? Yes, Ephesians 6:10-18 says to put on God’s armor of truth, righteousness, peace, and faith and to take the sword of Spirit which is the word of God. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve trained ourselves to put on a mask to stop the spread of a virus. Are we putting on our spiritual armor to prevent the spread of sin? Learn how to armor up in my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.
Are We Forgetting Something?

It was a hurried arrival at the hotel and a quick change of clothes before the driver would pick up my daughter and me to take us to the Arise Conference where I would speak. Lauren and I hurriedly changed out of our travel clothes. Slipping on a long tunic, I announced, “Let’s go!” Lauren looked at me and in an unusual tone asked, “Are we forgetting something?” Looking into her questioning eyes, I replied no. “Mom,” she countered, glancing at my legs. “Your pants?” Now before you judge me too harshly, the top I was wearing was almost down to my knees. Needless to say, we had a good laugh. While that may be funny, Ephesians 6:10-18 points to something that is not a laughing matter…us forgetting to put on the armor of God. Why? We are in a battle against evil and a spiritually naked Christian is an easy target. What is this battle? Is it real? Find answers to these questions and how to dress for the battle in “Is the Battle Against Satan Real.“