Eternal Salvation
The Sower of God’s Seed

“Jesus went out of the house” (Matthew 13:1). Maybe He just wanted to get some fresh air. Maybe He wanted to gaze at the sky and worship His Father. Maybe He went out so people would see Him by the sea, and come to Him to hear Him speak. That’s what happened in Matthew 13.
First a few people saw Him. I imagine the people excitedly telling one another “Go get the neighbors and tell them Jesus is teaching!” Word spread and as Jesus spoke a large crowd gathered. This is what He told them. “Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as He sowed, some seeds fell beside the road and….” (Matthew 13:3-4). It’s too long of a story to tell here, but you can read it in Matthew 13.
Here’s the point: Jesus sowed seeds of eternal truth among people. Whether it bore fruit depended on the person’s heart. The Sower stills sow seed through His Word and even His still quiet voice that speaks to our hearts. Have we received His seed?
Lord Jesus, SOWER OF GOD’S SEED, prepare our hearts daily to hear and act on Your Word so we bear much fruit that glorifies You.
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If You’re Devastated by the Separation

Have you ever been separated from someone and you desperately wanted to be with them? Whether the separation is due to death, divorce, disease, or distance, the pain of not being able to be with or even get in touch with a loved one is indescribable. “Indescribable.” That’s the word people often use when attempting to explain their loss, suffering, and sadness.
Jesus understands such depth of emotion. He loves us and created us to live in union with Him. Indescribable love drove Him from heaven’s glory to earth to seek and to save us. Jesus, separated from sinners, crossed the chasm between heaven’s glory and earth. He offers His outstretched hand to save us for eternity and to save us daily. How tightly are we holding to Him?
“For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26).
Lord, we praise You. You, who are SEPARATED FROM SINNERS, who came to earth to save us. May we cling tightly to You every moment of our day and night.
Happy Labor Day! Find rest and renewal in God’s presence today by spending time in His Word. Use one of our free online Bible studies to guide you in your study.
Marco Polo

Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out, “Marco.” The other one would respond, “Polo,” then swim away to avoid being tagged.
Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the seeker of the lost. As He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. He sees you. He sees your unsaved loved ones. He’s calling all to come to Him for salvation.
Lord Jesus, SEEKER OF THE LOST, thank You that You see us and know where we are. Thank You for seeking and saving us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You and come to You. May our nation turn and come to You.
The Gospel of John is full of examples of Jesus seeking and saving the lost. It also recounts the death and resurrection of Jesus, which made a way for all to come to Him for salvation. Access Debbie’s free online Bible study of John HERE.